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Member Since: 10 Apr 2007
Location: Hereford
Posts: 3709

United Kingdom 2013 Defender 130 Puma 2.2 SW Rimini Red
Gear Select and Matrix Headlight glitch
Defender 110 Petrol X
On occasions my Auto Matrix Headlight have stopped working and the car has defaulted to normal head light operation where one must move the stick thing next to the steering wheel, I know! can you imagine! I thought about employing a leaver pusher/puller and sending LR an invoice to cover wages.
I put the intermittent auto lights working/not working down to the vehicle being dirty as I presumed that the sensors would need to be clear to pick up moving vehicles etc. But then one day I got the car cleaned, and the auto lights still wouldn’t work so I'm thinking Ok there could be a problem. I planned to get it checked out when I next passed the dealers.
Moving on, few weeks ago I had a call out to a site that was a couple of hours drive, when I arrived, I pulled into the car park and went to reverse into a space. The car would not go into reverse or park or neutral. I had to stop the engine and re-start it, in doing so I got the gear select back and parked up OK. Last week whilst out and about I found myself in the centre of Warrington, pulled up at a set of lights, the lights changed to green I pressed the GO pedal and the engine revved however the car didn’t move. Turns out the car had put itself into park, the only way I could get it into drive was to re start the engine. This has happened a few times where the car wont let you select D or R or go into sport.
I called out Land Rover Assist who promptly arrived within an hour, the nice chap plugged in his diagnostic equipment and found loads faults. A trip to the dealer was organised there and then, I said I was happy to drive to the dealers to save messing about with a recovery truck. On arrival at the dealers a LRA Discovery 5 HSE was waiting for me to use as a loan car.
The following day I had a call from the dealer saying that they have found the issue with both faults. It turns out that a dodgy connector in the headlight was causing the signal in the can bus to drop out, and that was affecting the gear selector.
So if anyone has Matrix Headlight and Gear select issues get your dealer to check the headlight connectors.
I did quite a few miles in the D5, it was so nice to get back into the X.

Yes I know you wouldn’t get this problem in a Series 1 or 2 or 3 or 200 or 300 or a horse and cart for that matter. 130's have feeling's as well you know Smile
Post #885540 14th Feb 2021 6:28pm
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