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Member Since: 01 Jun 2010
Location: Worcester
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Thats the way to do it!
At last someone running a council who has a braincell.

Lets see more of it.

Post #79172 6th Jul 2011 8:08am
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Member Since: 09 Nov 2010
Location: Cornwall, UK
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
Pretty drastic but I can see his point.

One thing I have noticed though - public services are being utterly battered in the media. IMO part of this is the government deflecting blame for the current mess. Yes the public sector is bloated, overpaid in some areas and inefficient BUT many do a damn good job with a smile on their faces and are now being made to look like greedy, lazy halfwits. All to "justify" massive cuts. Defender 110XS SW gone... now VW California 180 4 Motion.
Post #79175 6th Jul 2011 8:25am
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Member Since: 01 Jun 2010
Location: Worcester
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I see your point but I really don't think public services have got any better in the last 10 years. For example I cannot book an appointment to see the doc tomorrow or next week. I have to ring on the day and take my luck.

Councils foster a complaing culture. Oh my neighbours fence is too high/low/wrong colour please harass them. Instead of saying 'get a life' and puttting the phone down letters are issued, people are harassed etc etc. Loads of examples. They fined a local chip shop £5k for a sign saying fish and chips above his window. They are just not in in the real world.

Coppers looking like robocop with all their completely unnecessary scruffy combat gear, or should i say fat robocop for most of them!

Council housing being given to africans,muslims,pakistanis etc before locals etc etc

If they think they have it bad in the public sector god help them when they have to work in the real world of 50 hour weeks with no OT, golden plated pension schemes, unlimited sick pay etc etc

I really cannot muster much sympathy for them or their commie unions.

The main problem with all the public sector wallahs is they do not have a customer so can do what they want when they want and still get paid, if you the tax payer dont like it tough too bad nothing you can do about it.

Until that changes and the individual public can directly effect then financially sod all will change imo.

How many teachers were sacked for being crap last year, not committing gross misconduct just being crap at their job - less than 12 in the entire UK. Farce really.

Elected police commissioner, mayor, judge and Prosecutors. Yanks have it right. Who is going to re-relect a judge who serial doesn't jail pedo's or burglars ?

That feels better Mr. Green

Post #79198 6th Jul 2011 10:50am
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Member Since: 09 Nov 2010
Location: Cornwall, UK
Posts: 1304

United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
pom wrote:
I see your point but I really don't think public services have got any better in the last 10 years. For example I cannot book an appointment to see the doc tomorrow or next week. I have to ring on the day and take my luck.

Councils foster a complaing culture. Oh my neighbours fence is too high/low/wrong colour please harass them. Instead of saying 'get a life' and puttting the phone down letters are issued, people are harassed etc etc. Loads of examples. They fined a local chip shop £5k for a sign saying fish and chips above his window. They are just not in in the real world. Some actually do a fine job but get a bit stuck in the "system" Daily Mail style examples don't really count.

Coppers looking like robocop with all their completely unnecessary scruffy combat gear, or should i say fat robocop for most of them! Like them, I wouldn't fancy being stabbed... And the ones I know work very hard despite hideous red tape for even sneezing

Council housing being given to africans,muslims,pakistanis etc before locals etc etc Hmmm - I can bet a lot of money that the vast majority is still given to white chavs. Even if it does go to foreigners, so what?

If they think they have it bad in the public sector god help them when they have to work in the real world of 50 hour weeks with no OT, golden plated pension schemes, unlimited sick pay etc etc Some I know work very long hours for little pay. However I do know someone who was a Director of a department. Just after he retired, the dept was involved in a massive national scandal about dreadful standards - he ran it, he has two massive houses, a fat pension and about £100k of cars -all paid for by US. That DOES annoy me.

I really cannot muster much sympathy for them or their commie unions. Hmmm - I semi agree.

The main problem with all the public sector wallahs is they do not have a customer so can do what they want when they want and still get paid, if you the tax payer dont like it tough too bad nothing you can do about it. True

Until that changes and the individual public can directly effect then financially sod all will change imo. agree

How many teachers were sacked for being crap last year, not committing gross misconduct just being crap at their job - less than 12 in the entire UK. Farce really. Yep

Elected police commissioner, mayor, judge and Prosecutors. Yanks have it right. Who is going to re-relect a judge who serial doesn't jail pedo's or burglars ? I'd rather be a Syrian protestor than a Yank though...

That feels better Mr. Green


See above Defender 110XS SW gone... now VW California 180 4 Motion.
Post #79217 6th Jul 2011 12:48pm
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Member Since: 24 Mar 2011
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United Kingdom 
I am surprised nobody has picked up on the fact that this contemptuous little toad is sat on a big fat £180,000 per year salary. His pension will be more than most council workers salary. If he was sacked then they could employ 6 more teachers. Mad

I disagree with most of the contributors to this thread so far. Council workers are mostly paid below the average wage and do jobs few others would do. This cretin, along with a number of his cronies, are simply demonising public services and their employees as the cause of all our ills.

As for pensions, if your salary is Censored poor then a pension which is based upon it, index linked or not, is not going to be massive.

I've not worked in local or central government and have no personal vested interest in the employment conditions of public servants other than I want my child to get to school, safely with the help of crossing attendants, taught well by teachers paid as professionals and that she can enjoy the local parks and amentities which have been well cared for. I also want elderly people to be able to call upon Social services when they need help. For all this to happen we need to pay people a reasonable wage and not bully them into accepting lower rates of pay through such Dickensian tactics.

If you think this pillock's approach is going to save any money, then think about this. Many local authority workers have salaries which qualify them for Tax credits and Housing Benefits. Reducing their salaries wil just increase the amount of central government assistance they get. i.e. taxpayer saves nothing, but CEO of council gets a big fat bonus £50k for reducing his authorities costs.

Post #79248 6th Jul 2011 4:30pm
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Member Since: 23 Dec 2010
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
Those who do accept this offer will do so with one eye on the job market as any trust they had before will not be gone for good - many companies now think they can make cost savings by squeezing the little men and women at the bottom until they burst. It was done to me and I though "stuff this" and left - my old employer, a regional power company, can't even be bothered to replace me. We were eight men understaffed before I left, depot was running at a loss. OT was banned, we were even promised bonus payments that were never delivered etc etc, management robbed us blind, sat with their high salaries, company cars etc whislt we struggled to even get PPE. HR didn't give a toss either. Companies who treat people like this will find it very hard to recruit in the future when the recession is allowed to lift. I say allowed as personally I think it was engineered, someone, somewhere is making an absolute killing right now.
These firms don't think about the "man in a pub" concept as I call it. If I'm peed off with my employer, I tell my mate down the pub, who tells his mates, and so on and so on, until nobody but the desperate will want to work for them. All these fat cat managers forget that its those at the bottom who earn the money, not them, they are just the face.
Good luck to em I think, they're gonna need it! 2011 110 USW
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Post #79253 6th Jul 2011 5:05pm
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