Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
Location: South West England
Posts: 17539
Rashers wrote:The other thing I think that the DVSA should be prosecuted for is selling numberplate at overly inflated prices that they realise only really work once the lettering spacing has been changed or carefully choosen fixing screws inserted?
It is almost like they are an accessory to the crime or at the least inciting a crime?
I don't really have an issue with this, and I think that DVSA in the bumph makes it clear you can't prat about with the spacing etc. If someone wants to pay a premium for a number which is meaningless if legally represented, let them. They than can pay some more voluntary tax when they're pulled in for the illegal spacing!
I believe that messing with the spacing etc also significantly reduces the chance of getting your car back if it's stolen, since ANPR may not be able to track it.
Besides, there are some belters you could have with legal spacing, KN08 END for example, but I doubt that will be issued , there'd be far too many takers!
29th Jun 2020 12:27pm |