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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
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TrailWise2 by GLASS
Does anyone know more info on TrailWise2 by GLASS it's I belive a more up to date mapping version overplayed along with the older TrailWise2 mapping.
Maps of Greenlanes, details and photos etc.

I'm not a member of GLASS, and you need or be to access so I was wondering how good it is and if there are significant updates to the new maps?

Although GLASS do fight legal challenges to lane closures and ROW's the TRF for Bikers seems to have more success.
Then again, there probably is more members.

I haven't done any Greenlanes locally for a while, I have been sick and tired of being questioned as to what you are legally entitled to do just by accessing rights of way for Vehicular routes.

Usually farmers or associated, or those up to no good in the countryside.
Sentence usually starts with "What be doing down ere' then?". Rolling Eyes (with no justified reasoning.)

The older TrailWise: http://www.trailwise.org.uk/gmaps/gmap.htm
Was always good, and often includes photos and details of lanes that are otherwise unknown if they are new to you.
Many of which for example are too narrow for us to use, but still a BOAT.
You wouldn't know it if it wasn't known to you on your local patch and getting out of it if you get say halfway along could be easier said than done. Laughing

Autumn, winter and spring time is Greenlane time to me more than summer time. Mr. Green

Any thoughts? $W33T $0U7H3RN $UG4R
Post #730984 24th Sep 2018 8:42pm
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Member Since: 13 Oct 2008
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United Kingdom 2006 Defender 110 Td5 SW Epsom Green
Some people on the Dorset green lane site on FB are GLASS affiliated and rave about TW2, saying how good it is.
Post #731215 25th Sep 2018 8:05pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
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That's interesting to hear Jim, GLASS seem to be saying a lot about it but they don't seem to showcase anything about it except for saying sign up to have a look.
Nothing wrong with that, but it'd be useful to know what features it has etc $W33T $0U7H3RN $UG4R
Post #731221 25th Sep 2018 8:19pm
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Member Since: 13 Oct 2008
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United Kingdom 2006 Defender 110 Td5 SW Epsom Green
I just can't see the point in stumping up the £££ to join GLASS when I have a stash of OS maps and can just log into the various councils RoW dept on t'internet and view any maps for free.

It's not as if GLASS managed to stop the DEFRA reclassification of all the byways years back, did they?
Post #731419 26th Sep 2018 8:59pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
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Exactly, and that was where most of the harm was done. It was a roll over, easily proposed by a small minority and no one to fight it.
Had it not been for those out there who could not behave themselves it wouldn’t have been so easy.

I think all ROW’s for what ever intended use are under attack.
It’s difficult around here to even take a dog for a walk in peace and tranquility.

The Police schemes don’t help either, don’t get me wrong it’s intended in good intention BUT encouraging landowners and farmers etc to go self Policing is not a good idea.
The amount of times you just go for a walk around here just with the dog and you get people driving trucks around looking at you and boxing you in and questioning you and disappearing is stupid.
I thought the guidance.
(In fact I know we’re part of a Police scheme.) was to be vigilant but not go around approaching people and or following them etc.

It really is getting silly, they won’t even let you park in a lay-by next to a field to walk your dog or Greenlane a Byway or UCR etc without harassing you at times.
Although I strongly suspect it’s just around here!
And that coupled with some of these people present and past I have came across are nothing to do with a farm or landowner but instead poachers pretending to be farming folk.

Never had such issues in neighbouring counties, and 9 times out of ten they’re using pickup trucks.
It gets very annoying, and intended to drive the public or anyone out of the area.

Then there is greenlane fly tipping which is a problem, that further induces closures or applications to limit access.

There was a nice lane near me though 3 fields around 0.4 miles long that was a Bridleway. No vehicular rights but I did seek landowner permission (local farmer) to use occasionally mainly for to walk the dogs. He was more than happy with that and was pleased to think he was asked as well. No problem at all for about 6 years. Then the dumping started and after a year or two he had to gate it only allowing Bridleway access as per access required by law. No vehicles except for his own access. A decision he didn’t take lightly and of course costs money too.

The minority always spoil it for the majority. $W33T $0U7H3RN $UG4R
Post #731429 26th Sep 2018 10:06pm
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Member Since: 31 Aug 2011
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diesel_jim wrote:
I just can't see the point in stumping up the £££ to join GLASS when I have a stash of OS maps and can just log into the various councils RoW dept on t'internet and view any maps for free.

It's not as if GLASS managed to stop the DEFRA reclassification of all the byways years back, did they?

I'm a member of Glass (have been for years) and while it cant hold back the entire tirade of "antis" it is a great service to the Right of Way users.

The main benefit of Trailwise is to record usage of RoW that can be used for route planning purposes and also to provide user evidence when roads are under threat of closure.

I think that anyone who uses the RoW and want to preserve their historical use would benefit themselves and the community by joining Glass. Its not expensive and gives something back.

And, TW2 the new version of the planning tool is light years ahead of the previous version. All legacy data from TW1 is included and the new version is much easier to navigate. Photo's, comments, status of the roads, whether the are on the LoS/DMS etc is included.

Well worth it in my humble opinion.

You can check out the Glass Facebook group for details https://www.facebook.com/GreenLaneAssociation/



ps Other groups were invited to participate in the development of the TW2 solution but as far as I know they declined, so you may see other groups producing their own RoW planning tool.
Post #731458 27th Sep 2018 8:53am
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