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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: Santiago
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Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Chawton White
I had some of the symptoms you mention: Grey, diesel rich smoke. I tested the injectors, changed the maf and map. I also removed the glow plugs and tested compression. Removed the inlet manifold and cleaned. At the end I believe it was some bug that precluded to perform the calibrations.

I also checked for air leaks between the turbo and manifold.

I think map and maf sensors were ok but I got a cheap hella unit that behaves more stable that others. Map was cheap from ford. I have not cleaned the egr but it is supposed to be closed.

Since you are there already can you run a compression test? Puma 110" SW

Earth first. Other planets later
Post #754072 26th Jan 2019 2:28pm
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I do have a short video of the miss fire while unplugging the injectors.
Not sure the best way to upload them on here? I searched but nothing came up.

I won't be taking it to a transit/ defender specialist.
It's not mot'd at the mo.
I haven't the budget really. If It was at a garage. Just doing what I have already done and the testing would be a large chunk of the cost of 4 new injectors....
delivered. Brand new Denso from our site sponsor.
So I will order 4 new and the vcv for the fuel pump and rule them out.

How does a faulty egr cause overfuelling? I checked it with forscan and it reads 0% at idle.
Still does the chuka chuka sound.

I didn't think you could do a compression test with the fuel pump in for some reason or is this not the case?

If the problem is not resolved with the injectors and the valve I will head down checking the compression.

Then if it turns out to be an engine problem at least I will have a brand new set of injectors already.
And there is loads of info online about worn injectors killing transit engines. As depressing as that would be.

On a separate Note. Any body know if you can change the servo with out bleeding the brakes ? Think he dia phram has gone... No ABS on mine.
It's testing my wallet and my patience, it was supposed to become my dream work vehicle. But my 3.0 boxer tipper is putting it to shame!

Banging Head Banging Head Censored
Post #754153 26th Jan 2019 8:49pm
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: Santiago
Posts: 2458

Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Chawton White
Hi Tomotomo.

Keep us posted how you go. Puma 110" SW

Earth first. Other planets later
Post #754486 28th Jan 2019 12:55pm
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Member Since: 19 Dec 2016
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Scotland 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 HT Cairns Blue
I posted this further down, but perhaps the dedicated FORScan thread is more appropriate.. Sheep

My EGR has been very silent recently, this coincided with using Liqui Moly diesel additive, but this may just be a coincidence. No blerp..blerp after switching off the engine, just a quiet hum.
No error codes on Forskin (none for the whole engine, not bad with 210k kms - 130k miles in old money), but when trying to run the EGR reset, it always comes up "process interrupted". I ran the VCV relearn successfully (a lot smoother engine) so I know something is working.
Is the following true:

a: My EGR knacked / stuck and needing cleaned or replaced.
b: Is there a specific set of circumstances to run the EGR reinitialisation and I'm doing it wrong.

There is a bit of white smoke and diesely rattles on cold mornings, but just for a couple of minutes, I haven't run the Injector reset yet as the weather is too cold for the procedure.
Post #754518 28th Jan 2019 2:57pm
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: Santiago
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Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Chawton White
Cannot help on the egr issue. I would check connectors, fuse or relay if any.

In this forum there is a thread about removing the egr unit for cleaning.

As for fuel triming and calibrations I usually cover the rad front and leave the fuel pedal at lets say 1500 to 2000 rpms until the required temperature is reached. I have to say though we are having up to bloody 39C these days. Puma 110" SW

Earth first. Other planets later
Post #754519 28th Jan 2019 3:05pm
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Member Since: 13 Feb 2018
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Thought I would share my progress.
So after getting injectors tested.
Being told they had all failed.
Not trusting the injector specialist.
After a lot of thinking.....
I decided to replace no 4 injector with a brand new one. No 4 injector was showing as having no pilot compared to the others .01 was the value.
I had a miss fire at idle so thought sod it.
Got round to changing it over....
Updated injector correction factor with forscan.
To find that it had been so long all the diesel had emptied from fuel lines...
Searched on here faffed about with a vacum pump and bits of pipe to no avail.
Then came across Blackwolf's tip about priming system by pressurising diesel tank. Got bike pump fits breather hose perfect.... whipped off blue connector near pump. Wooohoo diesel !
Pumped a bit more and it sprang into life. Sounding sweeter and smoother than ever before!
So thank you all for all your help and advice!!

However because it's a landrover I found another issue with it straight away!!
The plastic tank pick up where the lines attach have both fractured from the corroding steel. It's a 2011 so I was wondering if people have successfully repaired it with glue ? Or is it best to buy a new tank Big Cry

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Post #761552 2nd Mar 2019 5:27pm
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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Re: FORScan OBDII scanner works on PUMA TDCI
4wd-junky wrote:
Following another members post about FORScan, I too have just successfully connected FORScan to my PUMA using a cheap usb adapter (ebay eBay Item No. 153070327324), Windows 10 laptop and FORSCan 2.3.16 BETA https://forscan.org/download.html

Screen shots attached. (I have deleted my VIN number from these)

Please note, so far I have only viewed settings and faults. I have not performed any resetting or learning functions, although the other member has confirmed that pump and pilot learning functions work. Very Happy

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Click image to enlarge

Tried it on my my2015 90 does not work! so buyer beware!..........I am saving up the reddies to buy the gap tool as it will access the newer alarm modules of the my2015 and later defenders ..unlike the nancom!
Post #768455 13th Apr 2019 7:42pm
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Member Since: 13 Feb 2018
Location: Bucks
Posts: 71

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The program definitely works.
It's more likely a duff lead or operator error.
The leads and switches off eBay ate v cheap. Loose connection on switch.
Are you flicking the switch on the lead before you try the service procedures?
Post #768519 14th Apr 2019 8:52am
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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Posts: 2261

Hi ...i bought the lead recommended on here and the programme recognises the lead and says its connected but the last two lines of text says something like car not recognised seek advice of programme developer...I will post a picture later this afternoon.

.......It was just a quick check and i have not investigated whether i have downloaded the correct version ( i will do that when i get time..but i followed the links on here )They did a bit of a cost cutting exercise for the My2015 models and later do have a later alarm module so perhaps they changed the ecu software as well (its not my area Embarassed Embarassed )

I just put a buyer beware post on here for my2015 and later owners in the hope somebody with a my2015 defender would post that it worked for them!

What model defender do you have ?and putting it wider has anybody on here got it working on a my2015 defender?

My advice would be if you have a my2015 defender please wait until someone on here posts that they got it to work and how or just wing it on a £14 OBII connector from fleece bay and put it down to experience..like eye did Big Cry Big Cry when you cannot get it to work.I need to save up the pennies and get a GAP tool as its the only one (that i am aware of unless you go professional)that allows access to the alarm module on the MY2015 defenders as many of the others including the nancom and hawkeye dont! I was just looking for a cheap option while i climb the steep learning curve called defender diagnostics as i would be a fool or somebody with more money than sense if i paid £400 ish for a diagnostic tool just to read the codes.
Post #768527 14th Apr 2019 11:07am
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
Location: newcastle
Posts: 2261

Tomotomo wrote:
Thought I would share my progress.
So after getting injectors tested.
Being told they had all failed.
Not trusting the injector specialist.
After a lot of thinking.....
I decided to replace no 4 injector with a brand new one. No 4 injector was showing as having no pilot compared to the others .01 was the value.
I had a miss fire at idle so thought sod it.
Got round to changing it over....
Updated injector correction factor with forscan.
To find that it had been so long all the diesel had emptied from fuel lines...
Searched on here faffed about with a vacum pump and bits of pipe to no avail.
Then came across Blackwolf's tip about priming system by pressurising diesel tank. Got bike pump fits breather hose perfect.... whipped off blue connector near pump. Wooohoo diesel !
Pumped a bit more and it sprang into life. Sounding sweeter and smoother than ever before!
So thank you all for all your help and advice!!

However because it's a landrover I found another issue with it straight away!!
The plastic tank pick up where the lines attach have both fractured from the corroding steel. It's a 2011 so I was wondering if people have successfully repaired it with glue ? Or is it best to buy a new tank Big Cry

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Just an off the wall idea! please ignore if its stupid i wont be offended! How thick is the round plastic where the plastic pipe fits into the tank ?could you not just cut of the bend flush drill it tap it and insert a copper pipe bend or something bespoke with fixings?If the plastic takes the tapping you would have a solid bodge as i would not personally trust glue in the long term!...or if the topping does not work how about bespoke fittings like these:


or a very fancy rivnut?

There must be something to help as i thought its a Censored to replace a tank
Post #768529 14th Apr 2019 11:31am
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Member Since: 30 Nov 2008
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Can anyone explain me how to use the CAN HI / CAN LO switch on the interface? Discovery 5 td6 HSE Stornoway Gray Outback Engineering Limited Edition

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Post #768634 14th Apr 2019 10:52pm
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
Location: Santiago
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Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Chawton White
As far as I know you just leave it on HI position. Puma 110" SW

Earth first. Other planets later
Post #768673 15th Apr 2019 1:01pm
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Member Since: 13 Feb 2018
Location: Bucks
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United Kingdom 
On mine
When the lead is plugged in I have to do the following
Forscan start switch towards front bulkhead. This is the 0bd reading ecu faults.
Then flick
M scan switch towards cross member to allow live data and service functions.
Hope this helps.
Mine is a 2011.
Interesting thought 'about fuel lines... still thinking it over.
Post #768677 15th Apr 2019 1:34pm
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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Posts: 2261

Hi i will give it a go at the weekend!...The plastic looks strong enough and thick enough to tap to me or use some type of metal insert so you can screw in a metal pipe fixing .....cost you sub 20 quid and will probably be stronger than the original !Let me know how you get on!How much is a new tank ?I know its a Censored to get out and re fit it to a 90
Post #768707 15th Apr 2019 5:12pm
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Member Since: 06 Oct 2013
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Australia 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Fuji White
nitram17 wrote:
Hi ...i bought the lead recommended on here and the programme recognises the lead and says its connected but the last two lines of text says something like car not recognised seek advice of programme developer...I will post a picture later this afternoon.

.......It was just a quick check and i have not investigated whether i have downloaded the correct version ( i will do that when i get time..but i followed the links on here )They did a bit of a cost cutting exercise for the My2015 models and later do have a later alarm module so perhaps they changed the ecu software as well (its not my area Embarassed Embarassed )

I just put a buyer beware post on here for my2015 and later owners in the hope somebody with a my2015 defender would post that it worked for them!

What model defender do you have ?and putting it wider has anybody on here got it working on a my2015 defender?

My advice would be if you have a my2015 defender please wait until someone on here posts that they got it to work and how or just wing it on a £14 OBII connector from fleece bay and put it down to experience..like eye did Big Cry Big Cry when you cannot get it to work.I need to save up the pennies and get a GAP tool as its the only one (that i am aware of unless you go professional)that allows access to the alarm module on the MY2015 defenders as many of the others including the nancom and hawkeye dont! I was just looking for a cheap option while i climb the steep learning curve called defender diagnostics as i would be a fool or somebody with more money than sense if i paid £400 ish for a diagnostic tool just to read the codes.

We have been discussing this a little on the AULRO forum. I have been able to get the FORScan software to work fine on my car - a MY10 2.4. This is for both basic reads AND service routines, using a modified ELM327 lead and the Windows version. However, someone else with a later 2.2 (similar to the quote/experiences from nitram17 included with my reply) was not able to communicate successfully.

My $AU 0.02 worth is that the earlier 2.4 Pumas were pretty much a lift and shift of the Transit motor/ ECU as-is, whereas the later 2.2 cars had quite a bit of LR "refinement", including some solid surgery on the ECU - and FORScan can't recognise the later ECUs. To emphasise this, I think (not sure) the remap providers had to do quite bit of work to be able to offer 2.2 remaps - it wasn't a "simple" upgrade from the 2.4 to access the ECU. However, FORScan thinks the 2.4 cars are "just" a 2.4 Transit.

Interested 2.2 owners might like to join the FORScan software forum and request that the ECU gets added to the list of development priorities. I think (again, not sure) that FORScan is being developed on an open source-type basis, so a volume of (polite) requests may get attention.

Post #769163 19th Apr 2019 3:35am
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