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Member Since: 04 Apr 2011
Location: Cloch Liath
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Puma 130 Rust on folding sidesteps and chassis
Newbie here - great site - a problem

Noticed a lot of rust on chassis legs , welded seams and generally all over the underside.
Also the folding steps are in a bad way
Good news is that after some very harsh words with LR - these are being replaced.
They are also going to re paint the entire chassis
This is where I am concerned - its a bit of a job to do this and I doubt if they are going to be absle to get all that surface rust off - so paint on rust will simply just rust again very soon ( but mostly after Warranty is out)
I think its mad and I m not happy with it as its not going to solve the problem - think of all those cars years ago that were painted after the steel had acquired a nice coating of mild rust -
Should I be looking to have the entire chassis Wax Oiled instead .
Your Comments appreciated.And has anyone had their s Waxoyled ? and what did it cost

harto harto
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Post #66170 4th Apr 2011 4:42pm
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Member Since: 28 Jan 2010
Location: Ireland
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Ireland 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
Have Land Rover Ireland agreed to do the work or is it a UK dealer ?

Post #66173 4th Apr 2011 4:54pm
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Member Since: 08 Feb 2010
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England 2010 Defender 130 Puma 2.4 HCPU Rimini Red
Welcome to the site mine is the same but it's been a rough winter you have 6 year body work warranty so would not worry. Thumbs Up
Post #66190 4th Apr 2011 7:17pm
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Post #66194 4th Apr 2011 7:47pm
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Member Since: 06 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Scotia Grey
Remember they dont come painted (undersealed) from the facotry any more Mike
Post #66222 4th Apr 2011 10:08pm
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Member Since: 04 Apr 2011
Location: Cloch Liath
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CR wrote:
Have Land Rover Ireland agreed to do the work or is it a UK dealer ?


No its LR Ireland - thru dealer after much whinging by me.
I just have little faith in the proposed solution - painting onto rust or badly prepared ( and I cant see how it will be well prepared - as its a bloody chassis with a vehicle on it !) metal just creates a bigger problem down the line harto
You can only regret the things you have NOT done - not the things you have
Post #66230 5th Apr 2011 12:30am
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Member Since: 04 Apr 2011
Location: Cloch Liath
Posts: 6

mick wrote:
Welcome to the site mine is the same but it's been a rough winter you have 6 year body work warranty so would not worry. Thumbs Up

Not here in ireland - the Free State - at least I dont think so - please feel free to correct me

As for not worrying - well I m a bit peeved that a LR that was a year old at the time I noticed the rust - well has rust I guess
Every nut and bold on the underside is corroding - and all of that even IF it was under warranty is a bad omen

I should also point out that this vehicle has eh - quite a few things go seriously wrong with it and has been recovered 3 or 4 times at this stage .

Id make a list but I have nt the time just now - I will as EVERYONE should know about these things.

EG Engine develops a rattle - tiny but I can hear it - can I make it happen at the dealers - Eh NO
But I insist and they come backl to me and say - Ah Yes I have to replace the engine - its on an internal memo - I say " My Goodness " and word s to that effect .

I am shocked that I had to really push this and that this wasnt done as part of a recall -
So One new PUMA engine after 70 K Kilometers

Yes it seems theres a little valve thing that lets out oil into the sump area and keeps the big ends happy - well it was working on mine when it felt like it ....Motor ran rough at times - new one is much better - thers more
I ll keep it for another day

NB - LRs since 1993 - LR Disco 200 - then a 300 - then a P38 then current RR and currently 130 and 06 Disco

Had a few problems over the years but always sorted - then I get the defender which has more probs them then all put together
And the new LR importers - well they ve been giving me the run around since my first problem - in 2008 - the year I bought the Bas****d.

I have been buying from the same dealers since 1982 - and they have always done their best - I have no truck with them at all.

Maybe a thread for Puma only problems .Maybe there d be only me on it ranting Twisted Evil harto
You can only regret the things you have NOT done - not the things you have
Post #66231 5th Apr 2011 12:44am
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Member Since: 06 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Scotia Grey
Its well known on here that LR reduced their underbody seal application and changed production techniques on the Puma engine defenders.

I think most in the know with LR's realised the error - despite LR's comment the new manufacturing process is better - and a substantively similar defender design will = rust. Which is why i good number waxoyled them.

Me...i wouldnt buy a defender and not waxoyl it, be it 3 days old (like mine was) or 3 years old...If i was you i would get them to waxoyl it not repaint it and i might be tempted to sort the surface rust myself first. Mike
Post #66238 5th Apr 2011 6:59am
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Member Since: 24 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
na then harto, we've just had the second set of steps fitted, mirror arms and headlamp bezzels so check yours too

and welcome Thumbs Up 2.4 90 XS
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Post #66240 5th Apr 2011 7:23am
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
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Hello and welcome. My advice is to forget the dealer and the Land Rover importers here.Just clean and prep the chassis as best as you can and then hand paint it and the outriggers, then waxoyl inside it. When I bought my Puma in 2008 that is what I did. If you do not have access to a pit or a lift axle stands will do. I used Triflow and I gave the chassis and anything else down there that needed it several good coats of the stuff. I then waxoyled inside the chassis. Following this I put Duck tape over the side access holes in the chassis then painted over it. Really great job. I also sealed up at the rear end of the chassis where all that cable enters the chassis. After this get a drill and put a small hole in the chassis where the chassis dips into a "U" at the rear to let any water out that might find its way in. Tell the dealer what you intend to do and get them to chase up the importers for a free service or some such thing as you are saving the importers a lot of money by doing this yourself. If you want to waxoyl over the paint you can but by just putting on paint you can check it at a glance and touching up is easy. I waxoyled a tdi and failed the NCT as the tester could not read the chassis number under the waxoyl.He said it was not his job to wipe it off the number. Waxoyl will need touching up in after years to. Each to their own but for me the external paint job is the way to go. Remember that a brush puts on a good depth of paint unlike a spray. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
1992 110 200tdi csw -Zikali
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Post #66308 5th Apr 2011 7:09pm
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Member Since: 04 Apr 2011
Location: Cloch Liath
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spudfan wrote:
Hello and welcome. My advice is to forget the dealer and the Land Rover importers here.Just clean and prep the chassis as best as you can and then hand paint it and the outriggers, then waxoyl inside it. When I bought my Puma in 2008 that is what I did. If you do not have access to a pit or a lift axle stands will do. I used Triflow and I gave the chassis and anything else down there that needed it several good coats of the stuff. I then waxoyled inside the chassis. Following this I put Duck tape over the side access holes in the chassis then painted over it. Really great job. I also sealed up at the rear end of the chassis where all that cable enters the chassis. After this get a drill and put a small hole in the chassis where the chassis dips into a "U" at the rear to let any water out that might find its way in. Tell the dealer what you intend to do and get them to chase up the importers for a free service or some such thing as you are saving the importers a lot of money by doing this yourself. If you want to waxoyl over the paint you can but by just putting on paint you can check it at a glance and touching up is easy. I waxoyled a tdi and failed the NCT as the tester could not read the chassis number under the waxoyl.He said it was not his job to wipe it off the number. Waxoyl will need touching up in after years to. Each to their own but for me the external paint job is the way to go. Remember that a brush puts on a good depth of paint unlike a spray.

Hmm I hear the advise and am considering - that Waxoyl is a right Cnut stays wet for years and drips everywhere !
I m not really sure I d like to do that any places that do it commercially - I d be happier to push the dealer importer to do it right .....I ll need to get a price for wxoyling the yoke - also some suggested another treatment -it's a paint of some sort - cant remember though "......
Thanks for the replies - why can't they just build them half right Sad harto
You can only regret the things you have NOT done - not the things you have
Post #66317 5th Apr 2011 8:08pm
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Member Since: 04 Apr 2011
Location: Cloch Liath
Posts: 6

Grockle wrote:
na then harto, we've just had the second set of steps fitted, mirror arms and headlamp bezzels so check yours too

and welcome Thumbs Up

If I knew what a headlamp bezel was I d check there ........

N Laughing harto
You can only regret the things you have NOT done - not the things you have
Post #66318 5th Apr 2011 8:09pm
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
Posts: 4746

It is the nice shiney metal ring around your headlight.I had mine replaced but others have had more than one replacement set. 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
1992 110 200tdi csw -Zikali
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Post #66321 5th Apr 2011 8:43pm
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Member Since: 06 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Scotia Grey
Waxoyl can be messy - but can be a piece of cake to apply.

Yes if it gets really hot in the first few months it can drip (depending on a lot of factors) but it doesnt have to.

Doing it yourself isnt that hard Mike
Post #66323 5th Apr 2011 8:50pm
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2007
Location: Co Donegal
Posts: 4746

mse wrote:
Waxoyl can be messy - but can be a piece of cake to apply.

Yes if it gets really hot in the first few months it can drip (depending on a lot of factors) but it doesnt have to.

Doing it yourself isnt that hard

That about sums it up. Thumbs Up 1982 88" 2.25 diesel
1992 110 200tdi csw -Zikali
2008 110 2.4 tdci csw-Zulu
2011 110 2.4 tdci csw-Masai
Post #66324 5th Apr 2011 8:52pm
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