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Member Since: 05 Apr 2017
Location: Solihull,West Midlands
Posts: 11

United Kingdom 2006 Defender 110 Td5 USW Alpine White
I have been at work again but will try and answer some of the points raised:-

Yes it was raining at the time of the theft.Not heavily but enough to turn the dust to mud.

Cigarette butts,cans of drink etc etc-left by amateurs or kids.

Sky Tag-it worked and was effective but ultimately was easily located and defeated. I had it fitted professionally as I don't have the time or skill to do it myself. I know where it was and it was obviously too easy to locate. So those of you who has one in the rear estate headlining think again!!!

Sky Tag is a relatively cheap and simple tracking system.It works but you have to be realistic-it won't stop theft.Tracker/TrackStar and all the other systems are good (and I have used them in other vehicles) but again these just provide a small window of opportunity ,after the theft to locate the vehicle.What someone needs to develop is a system that works as soon as it senses someone in the proximity of your vehicle. it needn't sound an alarm just alert you. I am sure that this is possible seeing as to how modern vehicles have very good and reliable sensors to aid reversing etc. I haven't found a reliable system that does this but I am still looking.The other option is something mechanical to prevent the lifting of vehicles which seems to be the preferred M/O now.

Will I have another Landy? Not at the moment. I can't safely look after it and prevent another theft where I leave it. But I am working on it and will have another when I have resolved some issues and have ensured that I can look after it properly. I loved my truck,it was more than a truck and the children as much as anyone have been upset by its loss. It took us on those small irrelevant holidays and trips that identify what/who we are.It was great fun and had character and spirit.It was fun and as the children have said 'made every boring trip seem like an adventure'.The biggest loss by far is not so much the vehicle (which can be replaced) but the stickers stuck to the inside rear panels that we bought whenever and wherever we travelled.By never having another I feel that I would be giving in. I can't do that.

One thing that I think would also be a significant help is people asking questions.We all cruise Ebay,Gumtree and other spare part websites looking for a bargain. But how many of us honestly ask how a set of 5 undamaged alloy wheels, full interior sets or low mileage engines/gearboxes etc from newish vehicle have become available for sale. All of these stolen parts are not going abroad -they simply can't be.

In addition we all need to be aware of the less honest amongst website visitors.There is little or no security on these forums. I can access the content from any computer without signing in. It would be naive to believe that the thieves and traders who profit from the misery of others aren't reading this or any other comments.They have a vested interest in knowing all about these vehicles-its currently the way that they pay their bills.

There-rant over!!I am annoyed and Censored off!!! I shouldn't be I know-its just a car. Just a lump of metal and plastic. Unreliable,grouchy when cold,in need of constant maintenance and expensive to run.But it was mine and it made me happy.
Post #635010 1st Jul 2017 11:14pm
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Member Since: 20 Mar 2017
Location: Norfolk
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United Kingdom 
Well said Thumbs Up 1983 Series 3 Pick up in Marine Blue
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Quod Abundat Non Obstat.
Post #635015 2nd Jul 2017 2:49am
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Member Since: 10 Nov 2016
Location: Mendip Hills
Posts: 190

United Kingdom 2000 Defender 110 Td5 CSW Coniston Green
Sorry for your loss.

Can I suggest having a chat with the chap at http://securityforbikes.com as he sells ground anchors for Motorcycle owners but you might be able to use one to chain the Diff to. Preventing easy lifting.

There are very few places to hide a GPS tracker on a Defender. They only have to look for the modified wiring and trace it to where the unit lives. I wonder if you could put one in a metal surround and weld it to the chassis but issues would remain about signal but if you could make enough access for the signal.

With regards to sensors to detect them getting close well, in theory, it's not too hard to do. Does the SkyTag have an extra panic button/switch if so all you would have to do it fit a sensor that trips a relay for a given amount of irritation. Either using reversing sensors or angle sensors, motion sensors and an Arduino it could be done. Anyway, I will think more about this in a new subject. 
Post #635045 2nd Jul 2017 9:10am
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Member Since: 05 Apr 2017
Location: Solihull,West Midlands
Posts: 11

United Kingdom 2006 Defender 110 Td5 USW Alpine White
I am very familiar with ground anchors.I have had bikes for years and currently have one that has numerous layers of security as well as ground anchors.

The problem with ground anchors is that even if you buy the best chain that you can(at a huge price!!) they can be easily defeated by an unfit youth with a set of good quality bolt croppers (have a look at the YouTube videos).

Security needs to be dynamic and adaptable. The thieves are becoming increasingly committed. I suspect that the more vulnerable Landy's have now mostly gone and so they are upping their game and taking on the more secure treasured ones.

Ultimately unless something is done soon the insurance companies are going to step in.They cant continue to stand the losses and ever increasingly we will find companies who will either not cover them or will impose such rigid conditions re their storage and use that it make them virtually unusable on a daily basis. This has happened with motorbike insurance (due to the London effect). In London certain bikes are uninsurable without having a garage to put them in at night.Even then considerable expensive conditions are put on top and if these conditions are not complied with there is no pay out if things go wrong.

Anyway we can talk about this and let it worry us forever-its now time to get on and sort out my finances/insurance. I suspect that this will take me a while.I do however need to source another vehicle for our annual camping trip to Cornwall.It must be able to tow a trailer full of gear.Does anyone know of a company that offers Defender hire?
Post #635102 2nd Jul 2017 2:53pm
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Member Since: 21 Jul 2015
Location: Edinburgh
Posts: 169

Scotland 2010 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 CSW Keswick Green
Hi HTY30,
After losing my own Defender 110 to thieves in May I feel your pain.
I also echo your thoughts re the buying/selling of parts on eBay and gumtree etc.
We tend to think of Defender owners as part of a community but these things must be going somewhere and I can't believe they're all going 'abroad'.
Re your question about hiring a Defender, we found SHB pretty good and reasonable - only issue is you need to arrange your own insurance. Cheers,
Edinburgh, Scotland

Last edited by 24heuer on 2nd Jul 2017 9:20pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #635170 2nd Jul 2017 8:26pm
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Member Since: 05 Apr 2017
Location: Solihull,West Midlands
Posts: 11

United Kingdom 2006 Defender 110 Td5 USW Alpine White
Thanks for that.

I have emailed SHB.
Post #635189 2nd Jul 2017 8:59pm
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Member Since: 15 Nov 2014
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 942

United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 CSW Zermatt Silver

One of these fitted underneath the vehicle where boltcropper wielding youth's bodyweight is of no assistance might be worth considering? Of course nothing is infallible. There's kit and equipment to defeat everything but IMHO the harder we make it, the better.

HTY30 wrote:
Cigarette butts,cans of drink etc etc-left by amateurs or kids.

Please accept my apologies if I offended with my observation on a previous post. Not trying to be a smart *rse, just raising awareness for you or anyone else who may be unfamiliar with simple crime investigation tools so they can ask questions of the cops to confirm the basics have been carried out/considered should they have the misfortune of becoming a victim.
Post #635288 3rd Jul 2017 11:45am
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Member Since: 05 Apr 2017
Location: Solihull,West Midlands
Posts: 11

United Kingdom 2006 Defender 110 Td5 USW Alpine White
Rockster57-No the apology should be mine.I have re read what I submitted and it was blunt and arrogant.I had had a bad week!!

I take on board your observations and am thinking this through.I think I have saved the holiday (thanks to 24heuer and SHB).

The NFU seem to agree that the chances of getting the truck back are negligible but that won't speed up a claim. They have however given me a 3 door Fiat 500 hire car and I now have to choose whether I take partner,kids,dogs,shopping or just put the seat right back and disappear by myself!! Getting a lawnmower in it was entertaining!!! I am going back for the grass box tomorrow.
Post #635411 3rd Jul 2017 8:34pm
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Member Since: 15 Nov 2014
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 942

United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 CSW Zermatt Silver
I feel owning a Defender invokes a pride and passion like no other vehicle can. It must be intensely devastating when criminals take it from you or interfere with it. No offence taken and no apology necessary. I feel genuinely angry whenever I hear of a fellow enthusiast suffering from such a crime. It's sickening!

I absolutely agree with the OP in that we can all play a part in making the market less attractive for thieves - don't buy components, accessories etc from dubious sources. It's not about having rock solid proof that the seller is fencing stolen goods, it's that inner gut feeling that tells you something is wrong. Dont be tempted by the deal. Walk away!

And I would add to that by encouraging people to report suspicions to the police. I've often seen forum discussion concerning this or that Defender for sale on eBay, PistonHeads or wherever. People pointing out inconsistencies that clearly indicate something might be wrong. And yet there never seems to be anyone willing to refer their suspicions to the authorities? I'd very much like to be corrected on this but I have yet to see that kind of tangible evidence of responsible citizenship and the camaraderie we profess here on the forum.

That's my rant over.

I'm so glad to hear the OP is managing to salvage his family holiday. Hope you all have a great time mate Thumbs Up
ps. That was a very kind PM you sent to me. Nice bloke
Post #635482 4th Jul 2017 7:11am
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Member Since: 30 May 2014
Location: Birmingham
Posts: 130

United Kingdom 
Very sorry to have just read this thread.

Totally feel your pain and loss after my 90 was nicked a few weeks ago.

Although my 90 was recovered (thanks to Skytag) my wife was insistent that my Landies go in order to avoid nafarious scrots coming onto our property in future.

My 90 has now gone to its new home in London and my 110 is locked in a shipping container until sold. Watching my 90 being driven off by its new owner after I had spent 4 years rebuilding it was sobering.

I have owned Landies for over 25 years are am royally annoyed at the nonsense around defenders right now. So I have gone back to a Range Rover for now and hope the things calm down on the steeling of Defenders in the future.

So again really sorry and I wish these scum bags could get what they truly deserve! Fixing Land Rovers for over 25 years..........and making excuses to the wife for almost as long Smile

1984 110 V8 - Gone, but not forgotten....
Post #635586 4th Jul 2017 6:01pm
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Member Since: 23 Apr 2009
Location: High Peak, Derbyshire
Posts: 2977

United Kingdom 
I have all the security on my 110 but still wake up every morning half expecting it not to be there.
lf mine goes l won't replace it....for them to come back and steal that too whenever they fancy it.

I will probably buy a LWB Jeep Wrangler as it's the same kind of vehicle and although not a Defender it's not a car either.

These don't get stolen anything like Defenders.
Sad, but it's they way l'd go.
Post #638963 22nd Jul 2017 8:36am
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