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Member Since: 08 Jan 2011
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Daft question!
It's all go now for getting in a financial position to buy a Puma! Getting quotes for a basic SW in Silver, don't want/need half the gizmos BUT I really like the look of the models with aircon as the front grill stands proud. I presume a basic model without aircon has a flat front Sad

Can I get the look of the "proud" front by buying the grill and gubbins separately.

If new basic prices are so similar to an ex demo XS it obviously makes sense to go for that but just trying to price things up.
Post #56235 2nd Feb 2011 3:49pm
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Member Since: 19 Jul 2009
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
You'll get a front but think it's more than just the plastic bit. Looking at mine now there is a frame there. I've always brought ex demos. The fully loaded ones are easy to sell. My mate brought a base model and I think he regrets not spending the extra grand. Just go down dealers and sign the paper work!!
Post #56236 2nd Feb 2011 3:55pm
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Member Since: 08 Jan 2011
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RobKeay wrote:
Just go down dealers and sign the paper work!!

Wish I could be that blazay but this is a serious amount of cash for me, lifetime buy would never do it again, taken me twenty years to save this up!!!!

I realise i must be getting on peoples tits though so will lie low for a bit. Trouble is a forum is the only place you get correct answers, owners know their vehicles, salesman don't seem to apart from a few good ones.

Q. How much is it to respray all over in silver, A.roughly £700 for the roof, £450 for the sides don't know if that includes wheel arches. Second salesman £450 to do the lots sir!! You have to triple check everything.

Do they all have the aircon "proud" grill on the front, OH yes sir you will have that on a basic model, they don't do flat fronts anymore Sad

Well you have just blown that answer out of the water - thanks for that!
Post #56241 2nd Feb 2011 4:12pm
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Member Since: 19 Jul 2009
Location: Stafford
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United Kingdom 2014 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Corris Grey
One of the lads at work has been thinking about getting a new one for ages. Think it's worth pushing to get better spec you'll regret it later. It was a big thing when I got my first new one but never regretted it. I wouldn't mess too much cos it will never be quite right. You wouldn't buy a BMW and respray it. Reason why I say just go do paper work is that it can take ages to sort out. I had to wait 3 months for an ex demo and then it had a few miles on it. My last one was ready straight away but looking at the deal Yeovil are doing on new I've only saved a few hundred. You should find a silver one quite easy.
Post #56244 2nd Feb 2011 4:24pm
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Member Since: 01 Jun 2010
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get a good spec ex-demo and save the vat. That alone will buy you a LOT of toys.

Post #56248 2nd Feb 2011 4:35pm
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Member Since: 24 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom 2008 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
std trucks have flat fronts,to respray a whole truck properly would £1000/£1500 atleast. 2.4 90 XS
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Post #56261 2nd Feb 2011 5:21pm
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Member Since: 23 Jan 2011
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United Kingdom 2006 Defender 110 Td5 USW Java Black
If you're thinking of buying a brand new Defender, why would you consider having it resprayed? If I were you, I'd either buy a decent spec one, with the options / colour you want ( if you can afford to). It'll be a proper paint job, done at the factory. Your corrosion warranty will still be valid (presume you'll void that if you have a respray) When you come to sell the car, it'll be much more attractive if it isn't base spec. You'll get the air-con you want also.

If you can't afford to do this, then as people have suggested, look around for an ex demo in the spec you want.

If you don't want to buy a demo model, then save for a bit longer until you can afford the spec yo want. I think you'd regret buying the car and then wanting the options. They tend to cost a lot more to retro-fit. At least with a defender you can retrofit most of the options. Many other cars' looms are set, depending on the original spec ordered. This means lots of options can't be retrofitted without ridiculous costs.

Buy the one you really want, not a base spec you'll regret!

Thats my two-penneth anyway!
Best of luck
Post #56266 2nd Feb 2011 5:46pm
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Member Since: 23 Dec 2010
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United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 USW Keswick Green
I agree - get the spec you want from the start. TBH aircon won't cost much anyway, not sure why you want to respray one, you can just buy one in silver! If you are planning on keeping it (as I am with mine) spec it how you want, don't worry about resale if you don't plan to sell it on. 2011 110 USW
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Post #56273 2nd Feb 2011 6:49pm
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Member Since: 13 Jul 2010
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Lie low? dont be daft. Everyone has questions.

I dont get why you would want a respray or an aircon grill? Just get an ex demo or nearly new in the colour you want with as big a spec as you can afford. The cold climate pack is definitely worth having for example. Ex demo is usually a great buy.

Also, if you respray it, when you come to sell there will be suspicion as to why you ve had it sprayed. i dont get it?
Post #56276 2nd Feb 2011 7:01pm
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Member Since: 06 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Scotia Grey
If you want a none standard colour then obviously respray - done the expensive way at a dealers and your corrosion warranty remains.

Get the spec you want.

Standards as mentioned will not have a proud grill...although its nothing more than a platic addition - the gubbins behind it is all for the AC - when i took mine off - nothing there to support it was additional over standard.

Aircon was about £1k-1.5k option, but that may have changed.

If you get the dealer to confirm what he says in writing at sale (eg they all have the sticking out grill) when it comes, you will then be able to get it for free.

Have you thought about getting a dealer loan 50/50 type one or one you can pay back quickly (if you have the cash).

Reason for that is you get better car discount usually as they make massive amounts of cash on the car loan... Mike
Post #56278 2nd Feb 2011 7:05pm
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Member Since: 23 Jan 2011
Location: Moray
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United Kingdom 2006 Defender 110 Td5 USW Java Black
wasn't there a dealer doing discounts on defenders if you register with the NFU? Try them. You might get a decent spec for less than you thought!

I'm lucky enough to get a 13% discount on anything Landrover, through work. Not that I can afford a brand new defender anytime soon, in a decent spec...
Post #56279 2nd Feb 2011 7:05pm
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What I want is a base spec in silver and apparently that can be done though LR through the initial order for £450.

What I don't want is electric windows that will go wrong eventually/rattle and add weight. Whats wrong with winding a window down.

What I don't want is air con, again it will need servicing and it always dries my throat out on long journeys. Whats wrong with winding a window down.

I used to have heated seats in my 1972 SAAB 96. Last thing I want is a hot ass thanks very much!

ABS - you can keep it, seems to be a costly pain in the ass. Whats wrong with using your foot. My ABS on other cars has never come into play, never needed it, I won't be off roading it.

I am keeping this vehicle for life to maintain and preserve for years to come and get the max value out of it. I will do much of the maintenance myself. What really attracts me to the Defender is that you can still order one without all the gizmo's, that will eventually pack up completely or need expensive repairs. The only thing I would concede to is central locking, that does make using your vehicle much easier. I like a vehicle that is simple and usable I'm not bothered about half leather seats etc they will have seat covers on anyway. I can put carpets, stereo, tow bars, heated windscreens in etc myself much cheaper.

The problem almost is that what I want new will be 25K and an ex demo XS is 27K The second has a much higher resale value is a much better deal so it looks like I will end up with an XS and when it goes wrong it will be ripped out and changed for manual items.

How much is a bloody sensor £400 CRAZY How did we manage without all this crap, it must have been hell driving around ten years ago!!
Post #56280 2nd Feb 2011 7:07pm
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Member Since: 06 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Scotia Grey
I would suggest ABS and TC is reasonably important.

And also Aircon is vital...especially now the heater works and there arent the bulkhead flaps. maybe not as much on a silver van Mike
Post #56281 2nd Feb 2011 7:10pm
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Member Since: 08 Jan 2011
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mse wrote:
If you want a none standard colour then obviously respray - done the expensive way at a dealers and your corrosion warranty remains.

Get the spec you want.

Standards as mentioned will not have a proud grill...although its nothing more than a platic addition - the gubbins behind it is all for the AC - when i took mine off - nothing there to support it was additional over standard.

Aircon was about £1k-1.5k option, but that may have changed.

If you get the dealer to confirm what he says in writing at sale (eg they all have the sticking out grill) when it comes, you will then be able to get it for free.

Have you thought about getting a dealer loan 50/50 type one or one you can pay back quickly (if you have the cash).

Reason for that is you get better car discount usually as they make massive amounts of cash on the car loan...

I will have 25K to 27K in a few months hopefully so can buy it outright to save on interest fees but would like to right off a lot against my buisness over the years so maybe spreading payments might be an option but I don't like taking out loans - never been comfortable with that. If it is interest free maybe - need to look into it nearer the time but gut feeling is buy it outright and forget about it.
Post #56282 2nd Feb 2011 7:11pm
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Member Since: 08 Jan 2011
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mse wrote:
I would suggest ABS and TC is reasonably important.

And also Aircon is vital...especially now the heater works and there arent the bulkhead flaps. maybe not as much on a silver van

Never had Air con in my TD5, never used to use the flaps, no air when stationary get blasted when moving. ABS is a waste of my time, as said it has never come into play for me before. It's effectiveness is constantly being questioned!! What is TC. Oh traction Control will never be off roading as said and always managed without it on farms in my youth.

I just really don't like gadgets that I don't need that will need expensive maintenance or replacement. You guys may have different uses and it comes into play but not for me thanks.
Post #56285 2nd Feb 2011 7:19pm
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