Member Since: 12 May 2015
Location: South East
Posts: 170
My 2011 110xs 2.4 puma pickup developed a nasty wheel wobble at around 50-60mph. It was slightly odd as if I powered up to that speed as one would normally when joining a motorway it was really bad and I had to drop back to 50 pretty sharpish. But, if I very gradually crept it up to 60 the wobble would most of the time not appear.. However, if the road went round to the right it would reappear in an instant forcing me back to 50..
I didn't worry too much about it as my normal daily routes take me through country lanes where 40 is a maximum and I rarely hit 50 let alone 60! But on my way to Billing this year it really started to bug me on the M1. I had checked the prop joints, re-balanced the wheels a while ago but it was still there.
I had to have a minor op just after Billing so sent her in for some work while I was off and unable to drive. Uprated clutch and slave cylinder, Ashcroft output shaft conversion, brake overhaul and swivel housing seal.
When I went to pick her up they said the reason the swivel housing was leaking was not a failed seal but a sloppy king pin, they re-shimmed it and packed everything with grease and hey presto, the wheel wobble has gone. It feels much tighter when driving, no shake on the steering wheel when hitting the odd pot hole or rough farm track.
On a separate note, the new clutch and Ashcroft conversion has made sooo much difference, quite, smooth gear changes. More of a pleasure to drive, I don't know how much is psychological knowing the clutch and output shaft are mint, but it has transformed her after 80 odd thousand miles
16th Aug 2015 6:31pm |