Member Since: 22 Nov 2013
Location: Merseyside
Posts: 675
After a spot of green laning with Merseyside Owners Club, I thought a CB is a must as keeping the guy behind you in your mirror failed miserably.
So after a bit of research I opted for a Albrecht 6110 set and a decent Sirio Aerial.
The fun started trying to get the coax into the cab (DCPU).. ...I have feeds for the roof spots coming up the RAI, so naturally that must be the best route in. I tried to get the damn thing off and that never went well.
So plan B was to take a piece of metalwork out under the door seal, worked pretty well. Started removing the trim holding the roof panels up and a shed load of aluminium swarf drooped out, unbelievable....
It ended up a pretty tidy job..
Since I have had my defender there has been a really annoying rattle that is by my right ear but if i pull on the top of the centre dash it goes for a while.
Tucking the wires out of the way something caught my eye jammed between the top dash and the screen, flicking it out I think it is the cause of the rattle for the past year.
So whoever has had my Defender as a loan car from Listers and and lost a pin badge from Bredon Hill Shooting Club I would like to thank you for a years worth of pain.
If you want it back PM me...
7th Jul 2015 7:07pm |
Member Since: 25 Oct 2014
Location: edinburgh
Posts: 1179
Lucky it's not a tool from its factory assembly
G My confidence has been writing cheques that my abilities can't cash for years.
7th Jul 2015 8:15pm |
Member Since: 22 Nov 2013
Location: Merseyside
Posts: 675
I had to give him back.....
8th Jul 2015 11:04am |