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Member Since: 28 Apr 2014
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 351

Tdci air intake- now a snorkle
With a looming trip to Cape York I took to opportunity to sort out the Tdci’s snorkel set up. IMO on one hand LR have nailed the design with the head unit. As it suck air from under and behind the unit, with the actual air intake raised 20mm above the entry points. So there is no gaping mouth to swallow bugs, leaves, or rain. And as for ramming air, well they can ram the marketing where it fits as well.

On the other hand LR failed miserably. Perhaps for another $1 they could have made a proper snorkel instead of a raised air intake. Read on and see why.

Wayne from Nugget Stiff makes these fully sealed and easy to install replacement mouldings for Tdci. Pretty simple bit of kit, and worth 100 time more it’s cost compared to engine repairs.

Before I went this route I siliconed up the 3 joins on the OE piping which runs from the guard to the the air box. Trouble with that was I was still not 100% sure I had done the job properly.
You can see OE outer guard seal has failed on the lower side to start with.

This is what the inner pipe work looks like. The joints are just pushed together and are quite flimsy. No wonder LR wont say it a snorkel.

The pic hasn’t shown it, this is the joint in the above pic. To my best efforts the silicone hasn’t sealed the joint well enough. Dust has made it way from outside the joint so water sure can as well.

The next fail point is a 5mm slot in the bottom of the air box.

Again you can see my best efforts I would have failed on a decent water crossing.

So here is the new bit of kit. A 100mm tube that clamps onto two solid points securely sealed with silicone. The box on the right is a two piece mounted unit glued and screwed together. The OE pipe you see is at its widest. When you turn it the other way it’s only 35 to 40mm wide. Bit like a straw V a fire hose.

This drain valve hadn’t seemed to be doing anything, there was dust under where sit should be sealing when the motor starts sucking. I feel if the head unit is of good design then no water of any threat will enter the system.

This is the end that fits into the air box mouth. Cleverly offset to miss the alternator.

The Wing box is a solid bit of kit. Comes with screws and blind holes to screw into. All I had to do was add the silicon and screw it in place.

I also siliconed the outer air intake so it would not leak from the underside again.

Tighten the last few bolts and job done. A completely water tight system with one air entry point which is shielded from foreign matter and water to enter.

Oh lastly. there is duck bill drain the the actual air box. Some trust them them, some don’t, I siliconed mine while I was changing the filter.

Nugget stuff http://www.nuggetstuff.com/defenderairbox.html My Defender and travels
Post #348946 2nd Aug 2014 9:23am
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