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Member Since: 09 Aug 2012
Location: Wiltshire
Posts: 444

England 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
All Change
Well after getting the Puma 90 stuck, admittedly I got further than National Grid, it took two tractors to get me out, it was time for a re-think. Banging Head
After selling the 90, now living in Belguim, I'm left with my modified 90 which as my every day vehicle is perfect for that but not able to get either of us out of the crap after I bogged it in. So several days of head scratching, thinking on why I originally purchased the first one, then the second one. Also why one was sold brings me to this conclusion......

Click image to enlarge

Firstly I love land rovers, got the bug in the military and it never left, so I purchased the yellow one, no I didn't like the colour either but it was mechanically excellent. Used it for my Bee keeping hobby and a little off-roading. It had a winch, recovery gear, hi-lift jack, dual charging system, capable suspension and well everything so I could be self supporting in most situations. Now I enjoyed it so much the everyday car was swapped for a Puma XS 90 and as it was going to be used a lot I then modified it for better road handling. To this end, it was lowered by 1", 20" wheels, re-mapped, larger intercooler, hoses, bigger turbo, DRL's, LED lights all round and and the usual KBX mods etc. Plus sound proofed and other interior mods picked up on here. Please anyone who has their own views on how, why, whether you should or shouldn't I do not care, my choice. I had 1 for the road and 1 for the field. When we moved back to Reading the yellow 90 lived in a barn and wasn't getting used, work commitments stopped off road play and I could park adjacent to the field with the hives. So with me rarely using it and only getting to tick over or winch pulls for maintenance it was decided by SWMBO'd that logically it was not worth keeping. Don't tell her she was right. Whistle
So back to the present, now with a single land rover, getting it stuck, which was my fault but not able to self recover I had a problem. Do I go and buy an ex-MOD vehicle Question or as I've now decided Idea return the Puma to it true purpose an excellent all rounder! Very Happy
So over the next few weeks or months, work is once again getting in the way I will be undertaking the following changes;
Replace the lowered springs for those appropriately rated for change of use
Swap the HD ARB for the original
Replace existing bumper with DRL's with new winch bumper and obviously winch
Fit permanent roof rack, I have one but its living in the garage
A Snorkel will be fitted as will a snow cowl
Additionally I've spent some time reviewing various set ups on here and looking at the various Forum Sponsors and will be purchasing items to assist with its new life. These will include dual battery system, remote leads for start assist and things to house them.

As I undertake each of the modifications I will add to this post detailing what I've done including pictures. It will also include any mistakes I make, there's bound to be some and remedies etc. I will also list as each item is added or changed where it's from and why I selected it.

Nobby _______________________________
Puma Defender 90
Post #310556 22nd Feb 2014 1:21pm
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Member Since: 05 Feb 2012
Location: Cheshire
Posts: 3555

United Kingdom 1997 Defender 90 300 Tdi HT Stornoway Grey
Good luck, I'm sure you'll be left with an awesome vehicle when you're done Mr. Green Wink Thumbs Up An engine to TDi for!
"Land Rover- Proudly turning drivers into mechanics since 1948"
Post #310582 22nd Feb 2014 2:40pm
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Member Since: 09 Aug 2012
Location: Wiltshire
Posts: 444

England 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
Update 1
Well as predicted work has eaten all my time up, I have SWMBO to thank for a Snow Cowl from Mud UK, it was a birthday present. I have managed to spray it and will fit it tomorrow. Took all week to spray it as I did a coat each night when I got in.
I will fit it tomorrow, replace the KBX vents, will do them all as snorkel next so original vent wing top and side going in. Will post a "for sale" add tomorrow. I will also replace the Alive rear anti roll bar with the original, again luckily I hadn't sold it. Will definately be calling Matt at FCX for a twin din cubby box.
I will add some pictures as I make the changes tomorrow. _______________________________
Puma Defender 90
Post #314607 8th Mar 2014 10:52pm
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Member Since: 09 Aug 2012
Location: Wiltshire
Posts: 444

England 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
Update 2
Well after finally finding time to do something, had to take Friday off to get my tooth fixed, couldn't do it until Saturday....another story. Anyway had the rest of the day and thought time to start the change.
Having spayed the Snow Cowl, and the original grille and vents for temporary fitting I had the new +1 progressive springs to fit or the Safari Snorkel, so I decided on the springs. So I jacked the 90 up at the rear on the axle, removed both wheels, fitted the spring tensioners and couldn't work out why they wouldn't come out....yes you've guessed hadn't lowered the 90 on to the axle stands under the chassis. So school boy error 1, more to come. As soon as the axle stands took the weight the spring fell out. So on a roll, until the heavens opened and rain stopped play. Once all clear back to work where I tensioned the new springs down and couldn't get them in, even with them would down. So message sent via Forum and helpful advice received. Removed shock on rear right...bottom nut wouldn't loosen, had nothing to grip the damper so undid the top one...school boy error 2, didn't realise at the time. After an hour off trying I just couldn't get the spring in, so put the original back. Yes you've guessed now I can't get the damper refitted. Totally stumped and poor Defender one off road but not in a nice way.
Not having any time other than half an hour Saturday, tooth stopped play this time and a few family commitments, left me with time to cut out the air box mod with my new Dremel which my able assistant reminded me was in one of the tool chests unused and still tie wrapped from the shop.
Will need to try to obtain some assistance next weekend to sort the damper and fit the springs....it was so easy before but that was in a friends garage, ramps and air tools admittedly I did have a friend who was a mechanic showing me what to do. I've left a message hoping to bribe him with offers of beer chits?
So that's all for this update, as I said I'd be honest and write it up as it progresses warts and all.

Nobby _______________________________
Puma Defender 90
Post #320406 30th Mar 2014 10:05pm
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Member Since: 09 Aug 2012
Location: Wiltshire
Posts: 444

England 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
Update 3
Well after sending out an SOS, I received plenty of responses on how to fitted the springs. Let down late yesterday by my mate the mechanic, not his fault he was off to meet the new "in laws".
So jacked the 90 up fitted the axle stands, removed both wheels lowered the jack and removed the bottom nut on the drivers side shock and the existing springs fell out. Passengers side was already off....so that spring dropped out easily. The new springs went in without any need to use the spring tensioners. Had to heat the nut on the bottom of the passengers side , it worked, used a small gas soldering iron with interchangeable heads. Wrapped a few turns of gaffer tape to the shocks so to obtain a better grip, a inspiration by my able assistant, SWMBO, so nut removed no damage to shock. Refitted top then used jack on opposite side to raise axle allowing shock to sit correctly. Also used it to gain a bit more thread when refitting washers and the rubbers, giving enough compression to get the nut to bite.
The front ones needed the turrets removed as after I'd removed the wheels I hadn't enough movement to get the springs out. A lot easier than expected. Did need to tension the fronts a little due to no movement left in axle on refitting.
SWMBO stayed helping to the end Also managed to swap out the Alive HD rear ARB for the original.
Took it out for a drive, definitely a more comfortable ride, knew that anyway but again it felt good having completed it.
Tomorrow's jobs are Snorkel and Snow cowl.
I have ordered a twin din cubby box from Matt at FCX and a CB from Jim at 4x4CB, so more to do. Was looking to buy a new roof rack, looked at all the options but have decided to keep my existing and will fit that tomorrow as well. Now just need to decided on which winch bumper. _______________________________
Puma Defender 90
Post #321809 5th Apr 2014 9:44pm
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I.AM_a driver

Member Since: 11 Jun 2009
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Posts: 404

Scotland 2002 Defender 90 Td5 CSW Oslo Blue
Sounds good so far, which CB did you get? I had to get a new antenna from Jim this week, the whip disappeared from my previous one due to a grub screw that wouldn't tighten. Mark S
Td5 90
Thread in 'My Defender' Forum
Post #321826 5th Apr 2014 10:12pm
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Member Since: 09 Aug 2012
Location: Wiltshire
Posts: 444

England 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
Hi I.AM_a Driver,

I went for the TTi TCB-900 package after speaking with Jim

Nobby _______________________________
Puma Defender 90
Post #321961 6th Apr 2014 5:01pm
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Member Since: 09 Aug 2012
Location: Wiltshire
Posts: 444

England 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
Update 4
Well today was the easy one, fitted a Safari snorkel and the snow cowl. Spent a little longer doing it so that all the new holes were cleaned and painted.
Nothing else to do until the cubby box and cb arrive, will Dynamat the roof when running the cb cable to thE rear. Will order the winch in the week but need to finally decide on a which bumper, going to go for one with DRL's pre fitted. Just not sure who from.
I'll post a few pictures later, one I've uploaded them. _______________________________
Puma Defender 90
Post #321963 6th Apr 2014 5:08pm
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Member Since: 09 Aug 2012
Location: Wiltshire
Posts: 444

England 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
Update 5
Well its been a while, work has to come first at present so time is of the essence. Ordered up a new winch bumper plus fuel cooler guard and while I was at it a transmission guard as well from CSK Landrover, who gave me the best quote. As it happened I also got an offer that if I collected the parts I could use the ramps if necessary. Couldn't refuse so a trip around the M25 found me at Chris's place.
Fuel Cooler Guard

Click image to enlarge

Transmission Guard

Click image to enlarge

Winch Bumper

Click image to enlarge

Thanks to Chris the hassle fitting the transmission guard was eased by his help, can't believe I was going to do this on the drive, lesson learnt without having to go through the pain this time.
Now for the winch, just not sure which one yet. _______________________________
Puma Defender 90
Post #333712 26th May 2014 1:42pm
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Mr Fox

Member Since: 10 Sep 2011
Location: green & pleasant land
Posts: 1038

United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 HT Keswick Green
Read a fair amount on here but don't post a lot; however, I wanted to say that I am enjoying the updates and the truck is look great.
Post #333717 26th May 2014 2:21pm
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Member Since: 09 Aug 2012
Location: Wiltshire
Posts: 444

England 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
Update 6
Fitted the winch a Warrior 12000 with synthetic rope, always had wire before but thought I'd give it a go. Went for the 12000 as I am a 4x4Rescue member and after discussing my needs with the guys at the Electric Winch shop it was the preferred option. Very well priced and very helpful staff. Winch arrived next day as stated and was pushed from the front door to the kitchen by SWMBO, she said no way could she lift it. Anyway it dropped into the winch bumper and all the holes lined up for the fixings, I must admit I was surprised. I have pulled the cables through copex and just coiled them up tie wrapped to the steering guard for now. Waiting on new battery cables and dual charging system from Mobile Centre, again great to do business with. Fitted the Hawser and then realised that the hook wouldn't go through the hole, so pulled the rope all the way off. As I have a spare charged land rover battery in the garage as you do I temporary connected that up and pulled the rope back on. I'll do a full under load pull next week when the dual charging system is fitted.
I was going to run a couple of copex connections from the battery box to the twin din cubby box but thought I'd wait and get a better idea once all the additional bits arrive. Then I'll fit the extra switches.
I'll post a few pictures tomorrow.

Click image to enlarge
Puma Defender 90
Post #338278 15th Jun 2014 5:13pm
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Member Since: 09 Aug 2012
Location: Wiltshire
Posts: 444

England 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
Update 7
Well it's been a bit hit or miss making the changes with work commitments and everyday things we all have to do. I have managed to complete lots of the changes and just didn't have time to post.
I've fitted the dual battery system and Tim was a great help, I was using the photos that he produced for one of the magazines for my critiquing and when I printed it out I had managed to lose a page. It was then not available from source but a quick call to Tim and an email with pictures was duly sent. I'll post some pictures of the battery set up but having an issues with these at present.

Also got round to fitting the Carling switches in to the FCX double din cubby box. I found space in the garden and after drawing the wiring diagram and checking this was what I wanted I commenced fabrication.

Click image to enlarge

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I ran 2 x 20mm flexible copex's from the battery compartment to the centre of the cubby box to keep all the cables neat and protected. Added one dual USB charging point and cigar lighter, this is for a little plug in mini torch. Also worked out future needs, light bar, fridge, air compressor and one spare. These were connected to the Bluesea fuse box and left unfused, they are run out via the cubby box either side to the back of the front seats. All connected to the Carling switches and ready to go.
Picture of rear of seat.

Click image to enlarge

Cubby with switches

Click image to enlarge

I completed the wiring in of the CB, cables through copex to right rear of drivers side them under the trim to the rear and up through the seat belt trim to the rear. Easy instructions for connecting and working a treat.
Security slide open showing CB Radio

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Click image to enlarge

I have also replaced the wheels with 285/75/16 Cooper M&S on steel rims and purchased new black wheel nuts from a supplier at the Billing show. Strangely the new wheel on the rear seemed to affect the door, so ordered a Mantec spare wheel carrier and fitted that as well.

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During all this time I had bits of Land Rover parts all over the garage and was loosing track of where things were. Following the usual tidy up I fitted Masai light guards. I've primed the screw fixings but failed to paint them black.

Click image to enlarge

Front view with everything where it should be.

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Finally for now I removed both the rear seats, they have been placed in storage and fitted Mobile Storage Systems boxes. large to the left rear for my recovery equipment, including jack, jump leads etc. I fitted 2 of the smaller stackable units to the rear right and have left space to the rear to fit a small netted area for dog leads etc. I removed the rear carpet, its joined the seats in storage and fitted a rubber mat.

Click image to enlarge

Apologies for the dog hairs, just back from a week in Wales and took the pictures prior to the clean. However rain has stopped play so found time to update the thread. _______________________________
Puma Defender 90
Post #351795 15th Aug 2014 4:04pm
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Member Since: 21 Jan 2010
Location: South West, England.
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United Kingdom 
Very nice Gary - like the rear storage boxes, did you make them?
Post #351797 15th Aug 2014 4:12pm
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Member Since: 05 Aug 2011
Location: Somerset
Posts: 589

Portugal 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
I like it! And i like those light guards!
Will they rust like the original ones?
Post #351804 15th Aug 2014 4:47pm
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Member Since: 09 Aug 2012
Location: Wiltshire
Posts: 444

England 2010 Defender 90 Puma 2.4 CSW Santorini Black
Custom90steve the boxes are from Mobile Storage Systems, saw them last year at Peterborough and thought they were extremely well made. Worth every penny in my opinion.
Fabio they are well coated but no doubt once hit by a stone or two there maybe some issues, time will tell. _______________________________
Puma Defender 90
Post #351826 15th Aug 2014 6:32pm
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