Home > Stolen > Stolen Green Puma 110, Bell Busk, 22nd Aug -tracker jammed? |
party monkey Member Since: 31 Dec 2010 Location: Oxon. Posts: 1311 |
Originally posted on the LandyWatch facebook page,
Looks like the tracker was beaten by suspected jamming (It was a Skytag, but could have been any that rely on only GSM/GPRS to communicate ....) Not all jammers plug into the 12v socket either. Many are portable. Still, might not hurt to be able to isolate the power supply to any 12v sockets in the vehicle I guess. Piccy Jon - 110 td5 [sold]. Currently Defenderless. |
1st Sep 2013 8:06am |
me@td5.org Member Since: 16 Jan 2011 Location: Warwick Posts: 856 |
Most jammers work only on the 3 triband frequencies, avoiding 900/1800/1900mhz for comms will make it less likely to be blocked.
Also not having any "Tracker" stickers would be a good plan. After all it is a better tool for recovery than it is a deterrent if they know that they need to and how to block it. www.td5.org |
1st Sep 2013 1:04pm |
Sockpuppet Member Since: 17 Sep 2011 Location: Leicester Posts: 479 |
This is the reason I'm getting a tracker fitted to the new puma - but opting for one that doens't just rely on GSM/GPS. We have these in the vehicles at work and in Central London will often report a position of ~300 meters away from where it really is driving up the middle of the Thames etc. Even the supplier accepts its a well known Canyon Effect. These tracking boxes are made by Qinetic who know a thing or two about GPS.
Even when I did my years for Her Majesty (not at her pleasure! ) we were never allowed to use "civvy" GPS devices because they can be fooled so damn easily. Been thinking about security for a while because I'm paranoid and when mine arrives I'll do some measuring up and show you all what I had in mind. |
1st Sep 2013 3:31pm |
me@td5.org Member Since: 16 Jan 2011 Location: Warwick Posts: 856 |
Oh, the GPS can be jammed pretty easily too as well as the GPRS/GSM used for data. GPS jammers tend to be used primarily in navigation systems/tracker hence the volume of jammers. The greater impact of jamming GPS is where it is used in time synchronisation for protection and control systems.
Certainly companies, like Qinetiq are using other ways of tracking things apart from GPS (such as in the Bushman System), in particular in battlefield where a location inside a building is important. www.td5.org Last edited by me@td5.org on 1st Sep 2013 3:45pm. Edited 1 time in total |
1st Sep 2013 3:42pm |
pjb Member Since: 08 Apr 2009 Location: Sunny Oxford Posts: 1244 |
+1 As suggested going for multiple approach move obd port & going to look at moving alarm sounder or making it very difficult to get at plus tracker and may be a cut off switch in the fuel circuit & probably a pedal lock 2020 P300 HSE |
1st Sep 2013 3:44pm |
party monkey Member Since: 31 Dec 2010 Location: Oxon. Posts: 1311 |
I've no idea what Sockpuppet has in mind but the 'Tracker' brand uses VHF as an extra layer
http://www.tracker.co.uk/for-your-vehicle/ Whilst this gets around the jamming issue, in the past you then had the issue (so I'm told) that VHF works on a limited range and line of sight basis and you were totally reliant on a police car/helicopter with suitable receiving equipment to be in the vicinity of the stolen car to pick up the VHF signal. Then the clever bods at Tracker developed the 'Mesh' network http://www.tracker.co.uk/products/the-tracker-mesh-network/ which then piggy backs the VHF ping through other 'Tracker' trackers fitted to other cars on the road, increasing the range and chance of a receiver equipped police vehicle picking up the signal. I think the mesh network is limited to certain products in their range but the links should give you the info you need. HTH Jon - 110 td5 [sold]. Currently Defenderless. |
14th Sep 2013 7:03am |
Sockpuppet Member Since: 17 Sep 2011 Location: Leicester Posts: 479 |
Yep, tracker locate. I got a 25% off by asking nicely as well
Not fitted yet, just arranging a fitting date. |
14th Sep 2013 4:51pm |
Harry dog Member Since: 27 Oct 2016 Location: Farnham Surrey Posts: 38 |
Long time since the post that I'm replying to, but I would interested to know how your tacker is doing? I'm looking into this whole thing at the moment and Tracker Locate seems to make sense to me due to the vhf. But I was told yesterday by one of the suppliers of both the tracker locate and other brands that vhf wouldn't be supported on trackers from 2018 and the police maybe phasing out its use as well?!
PM me if you'd prefer not to discuss on an open forum. Thanks Harry |
8th Dec 2016 7:55am |
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