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Member Since: 18 May 2009
Location: Winchester
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United Kingdom 1987 Defender 110 V8 Petrol CSW Corris Grey
sad and annoyed
After 30 years of driving I have today ( I am pretty sure ) collected my 1st speeding points A3024 Maybray King Way in Southampton which I thought was a 40 ( dual carriageway ) but as the gatso flashed I thought bother 30 then.
I am actually very annoyed with myself.
Post #253275 23rd Jul 2013 2:38pm
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Member Since: 26 Oct 2011
Location: Hereford
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England 2002 Defender 110 Td5 SW Coniston Green
I never even saw the damn camera that got me in Bristol, 45 in a 40mph zone. It was tucked in amongst all the Christmas cards one Christmas Eve about 4 years ago. That really settled me into the Bah Humbug mood!!
Post #253289 23rd Jul 2013 3:46pm
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Member Since: 06 Aug 2012
Location: On the third rock from the sun in dorset
Posts: 188

United Kingdom 2003 Defender 90 Td5 HT Caledonian Blue
I never even saw the damn camera that got me in Dorset 34 in 30 three week later mad driver over took me same road and he must have been 75 MPH no camera in sit Evil or Very Mad cost me £40 on my premium Big Cry
Post #253295 23rd Jul 2013 4:05pm
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Pam W

Member Since: 25 Oct 2011
Location: North Yorkshire
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England 1998 Defender 90 Td5 SW Auto Oslo Blue
I always assume when driving on an urban or suburban road, dual or single carriageway, that the speed limit is 30 limit unless or until I see signs (including repeater signs) telling me otherwise. Even if that annoys other road users. If I then see its a 40 limit or higher on signage then I'll speed up.

Seems I am correct in doing so, because the 'Dual Carriageway is 40' thing does not always apply in built up areas where there http://www.speedlimit.org.uk/faq.html#THIRTY. Interesting stuff and worth being aware of!

Q: I have received an NIP for doing 36 in a 30 limit. This was on a wide suburban dual carriageway where there are no speed limit repeaters. Surely this is invalid if there are no speed limit signs?

A: No. Under current signing regulations, no 30 mph repeater signs are required (or indeed permitted) on a road with a continuous system of street lighting, regardless of the level of development. This allows highway authorities to reduce a limit from 40 to 30 by the simple expedient of removing the pre-existing repeater signs, and it is all too easy for drivers to be caught out.

In the more enlightened days of the late 1950s and 1960s, many highway authorities increased speed limits on major suburban dual-carriageways from 30 to 40 mph. There are still examples in cities such as Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool, although more and more are now being reduced to 30. This has given rise to the misleading myth that the default speed limit on an urban dual carriageway is 40 mph.

If you're in anything remotely resembling a built-up area, you should always assume that the prevailing speed limit is 30 mph in the absence of any repeater signs saying otherwise.
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Post #253344 23rd Jul 2013 7:58pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2013
Location: Melbourne
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Australia 2013 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 CSW Keswick Green
Couldn't be as bad as Aus.
We've got Cameras EVERYWHERE...On the side of the road, on overhead gantries, in Police cars mobile & stationary, we've also got camera systems that take your number, measure your point to point time over a few Ks, & if your average spped is over the limit, ya'r booked.......MASSIVE revenue raisers.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, we have "red light cameras" at intersections, which get you if you go through a red light, and these cameras will also now get you for speeding if you speed up to beat the lights.
And of course, ever decreasing speed limits......it'll be the case shortly where ya have to walk in front of the car with a red flag.
Cheers, Pickles.
Post #253376 23rd Jul 2013 9:53pm
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Member Since: 06 Aug 2012
Location: On the third rock from the sun in dorset
Posts: 188

United Kingdom 2003 Defender 90 Td5 HT Caledonian Blue
If you're in anything remotely resembling a built-up area, you should always assume that the prevailing speed limit is 30 mph in the absence of any repeater signs saying otherwise.

The built-up area Question 500 m of road one house and farm land all and round 30 mph speed limit for 500m Exclamation

Dorset speed limit is the speed limit Exclamation

but in one case how good brief is speeding three times 1800 month he gets away with driver Awareness three times in 1800 mouths and drink drive only 3 points £60 fine Question
Post #253402 24th Jul 2013 7:41am
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Member Since: 15 Jun 2012
Location: SC
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United States 1994 Defender 90 300 Tdi CSW Epsom Green
dorstsmith2 wrote:

but in one case how good brief is speeding three times 1800 month he gets away with driver Awareness three times in 1800 mouths and drink drive only 3 points £60 fine Question

I am sorry but I really dont understand this?? The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead.

Albert Einstein
Post #253407 24th Jul 2013 8:11am
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Member Since: 06 Aug 2012
Location: On the third rock from the sun in dorset
Posts: 188

United Kingdom 2003 Defender 90 Td5 HT Caledonian Blue
I am sorry but I really don't understand this??[/quote]

In Dorset if court speeding you can attend driver Awareness pay £90 and no points, BUT the time limit 12 mouth between speeding and NOT three in 1800 mouth my point is that the it would seem if you can pay for a good brief you will get away with IT drink drive only 3 points £60 fine Question
Post #253413 24th Jul 2013 8:33am
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farmer giles

Member Since: 09 Feb 2011
Location: worcestershire
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2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Cairns Blue
ok - i'll have a go at translating dorstsmith2's last post Confused

In Dorset if you are caught speeding you can attend a driver's awareness course and pay £90 without receiving points on your license, But the time limit is 12 months for not receiving any other points; however someone has been caught 3 times in 18 months for drink driving offences and only received 3 points and a £60 fine.

is this correct?
Post #253418 24th Jul 2013 9:15am
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Member Since: 15 Jun 2012
Location: SC
Posts: 294

United States 1994 Defender 90 300 Tdi CSW Epsom Green
Ok so this is the same as all of the UK as we do not have county laws.

My father got caught speeding and went on the driver awareness course paid the £90.

But when he inquired with his insurance about 3 point and the effect ont he cost it would have made no difference to the cost. However if he got a further 3 then the cost changes a fair bit.

This is the first and onyl time he has been caught speeding, he has been driving for over 40 years.....

I think if you get caught drink driving it should be a ban.......simple as that. The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead.

Albert Einstein
Post #253432 24th Jul 2013 10:24am
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2008
Location: Birmingham
Posts: 6319

England 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Stornoway Grey
i had an annoying scenario in my caterham a few months after i bought it.

was scooting along the a38 near brum (70mph).....anyhow saw the mobile camera so took my foot off the gas and realised i was doing circa 73mph so didn't realy worry about it as i thought there would be a few mph tolerence.

turns out I got a ticket for doing 82mph !!!

turns out the digital speedo must have been programmed for a different wheel / tyre combi. cant see how that happened with SVA / type approval etc .... all I know is I got the ticket and I ended up measuring the tyre circumference (well got the details off the manufacturers website actually) and reprogramming the speedo Crying or Very sad

wasn't a happy bunny.
Post #253443 24th Jul 2013 11:26am
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2011
Location: Munich
Posts: 4731

Germany 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Baltic Blue
Damn Rolling Eyes Don't you just hate having a fast car Laughing Tell someone you love them today because life is short.
But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing...
Post #253453 24th Jul 2013 12:06pm
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Member Since: 16 Feb 2009
Location: Miserable Midlands
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Wales 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS DCPU Tonga Green
I think the UK system is terrible,

I currently have had 3 speeding convictions (all in different countries).

Germany: 82Km/h in a 70 Km/h zone. It was roadworks on the autobahn at night. Fine: 60 Euros (no points). If I was doing 82 in a 70 during the day past a school, I would have been looking to lose my licence.

Australia: 78Km/h in a 70Km/h zone...... again road works. Fine: 150 AUD (£100).... No points.

Ukraine: Don't know, but apparently I was going 'too fast' and wanted to write me up.... 500rph (£40ish)..... This was a simple bribe and nothing else was said..... otherwise I would have had to spend the night in the local town and pay the police station 500rph when they opened the next day.

In the UK, you get the same for doing 80mph in the middle of the night where there is no-one else around as you would get for doing 40mph past a school whilst the kids are leaving. Doesn't make sense!

Just my 2p worth (I have never been caught speeding in the UK)..... but then again I don't really speed.

Glyn Dog Sheep
Post #253461 24th Jul 2013 1:10pm
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Member Since: 17 Jul 2011
Location: Surrey
Posts: 11324

United Kingdom 
I disagree, Glyn. By comparison to your examples, the UK system is robust and simple to understand (for a change Shocked ). The fine is to disuade you from breaking the law and the points are to keep in check those who do make a habit of it. Making it any more complicated just makes it harder to administer.

As an aside, for a man who claims he doesn't really speed, you seem to have paid an awful lot of fines Laughing Darren


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Post #253466 24th Jul 2013 1:25pm
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Member Since: 16 Feb 2009
Location: Miserable Midlands
Posts: 3015

Wales 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS DCPU Tonga Green
My point is more down the line that in the UK it doesn't matter where you speed, you get the same points and fine (up to 30mph over the limit)- in other countries you get harsher fines (and possible points) if you break the speed in more dangerous areas (towns, villages, schools etc).

In Germany (I am sure one of the residents will expand more with real figures- it was 4 years ago I was done there)- ball park figures:
On the motorway for every km/h over the limit you will get a 5 euro fine. In a built up area you will get a 10 euro fine for every Km/h over the limit, and then in a school zone you will get a 20 euro fine for every Km/h over the limit. Then, if you are more than a certain amount over the limit you have to go court and get points/ seriously high fines.

I would say 3 times (last one was without speed sensing device at night- I was doing about 80Km/h on a 100Km/h road) in 14 years and in the region of 250,000 miles in over 30 different countries, I would say I am doing quite well.

Also remember- having no points/ fines doesn't mean you don't speed....... just means you have never been caught.

Glyn Dog Sheep
Post #253473 24th Jul 2013 1:49pm
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