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Home > Stolen > Stolen - Blue Td5 90 Hard Top - Brentwood,Essez 5/6 May
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party monkey

Member Since: 31 Dec 2010
Location: Oxon.
Posts: 1311

England 2005 Defender 110 Td5 XS CSW Cairns Blue
Stolen - Blue Td5 90 Hard Top - Brentwood,Essez 5/6 May
From LandyWatch, no piccy at the mo.

Disclok beaten but seems no other layers of security, other than maybe a factory alarm/immob but it not mentioned.


My defender 90 blue hard top TD5 2002 reg IKZ4146 was stolen from my drive just outside Brentwood Essex either Sunday 5 May or Monday 6th May 2013.


They broke the discloc and I believe drove it away from the bottom of my 100 ft garden.

It has new boost wheels, the spare has some curbing, as I bought this as a spare. It has a Dorchester landrove tyre cover. The bonnet has a strip of black duct tape over the hole where the spare tyre carrier was. It has a step running board only on the passenger side with a piece of rusty metal under the drivers side.

It has a crease on the rear drivers quarter and the rear cross member has a dent where the last owner missed when backing up onto a trailer.

It has a wooden home made gun rack at height level behind the front seats and a set of wooden shelves on the crossmember behind the front seats, with a fold down piece to make it a small table in the rear.

I'm told that a certain group of people with no fixed abode are operating in the Essex area stealing trailers and 4x4 especially defenders. I may have see them in the week checking out the houses in my road. They were in a white transit pick up truck, but others have seem them in a dark blue vectra just before vehicles go missing.

Please be aware!

Call Essex police quote CF0354390513
 Jon - 110 td5 [sold]. Currently Defenderless.
Post #234304 10th May 2013 6:58am
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