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Member Since: 02 Apr 2007
Location: Hook Norton
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United Kingdom 2015 Defender 90 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Montalcino Red
2014 Calendar - ENTRIES REQUIRED!
Dear all,

As some of you know, there has been a DISCO3/DISCO4 calendar for some years now, after a shaky run at this last year for Defender2 let's try again for 2014 Smile

So, please upload your photos which contain any current LR/RR product, we're a bit earlier than normal so I am hopeful there will be sufficient photos to make a Defender2 calendar Mr. Green

There is dedicated upload system in place which allows you to upload multiple photos at once, as well as enter all the relevant information in quickly without faffing with trying to make the gallery work Wink

New for this year is the ability to upload via e-mail which some may find easier.

Everyone whose photos are chosen will receive a free copy of the calendar as a thank you Mr. Green

The uploader is available at www.disco3.co.uk/calendar/

You do have to log in to use the uploader (so I know who the photo has come from), but you can use your current forum login (from any of the forums).

Any problems with the uploader please let me know. There are two fallback options which may come in handy if you are using Internet Explorer Shocked

There is also the e-mail option which you will see once you've logged in.

Guidelines and terms:
  • Please add some information about location, event, brief story etc which will be added to the calendar page - you will be prompted for this when editing your photos for
  • Please submit photos of any LR/RR product and 'tag' the photo with each vehicle when you upload.
  • By submitting entries you agree that the photographs are yours, or you have permission to enter them for the calendar. Do not enter photos unless you know who took them/owns them and you have their permission.
  • You agree that your photograph may be used free of all charges in the production of the 2014 calendar(s).
  • Your photos must be uploaded without watermarks, added text or other additions. Enhancement of the photo is allowed. Please upload full-resolution images with any numberplates clearly on show. This does not mean that the numberplate has to be in the photo though Wink
  • If your camera takes widescreen photos, please ensure that there is enough space around the subject to allow the photo to be cropped to A4 ratio (~1.414:1)
  • VERY IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you upload only large resolution (at least 5 Megapixels, 2 Megabyte file size) images as these will be required for high quality printing. This means NO camera phone/iPhone photos, sorry, the quality isn't good enough.

Uploader step-by-step guide:
  1. Visit www.disco3.co.uk/calendar/ and click login on the top right

  2. Enter your forum login details, selecting the correct forum:

  3. On the uploader, select "Add files":

  4. Browse for the photo or photos you want to upload, then click "Open", "Add" etc on the select file window
  5. Repeat the two steps above for all the photos you want to upload.
  6. Once you are ready to upload, press "Start upload" button:

  7. Your photos will be uploaded, and when complete you will be redirected to the 'My Photos' page (also available from the upper right menu).
  8. Click or tap on the first photo you want to enter for the calendar, then click the Edit button:

  9. Fill in the requested information, click/tap the vehicles which are in the photo and click "Submit" button:

  10. Your photo will now move to the "Your calendar entries (all done)" list.

  11. Repeat steps 8 to 10 for each remaining photo in the "Photos just uploaded (editing required)" list

E-mail upload:

To upload via email, click the "E-mail Upload" menu option in the upper right hand menu after you've logged into the calendar upload system and follow the instructions there:

Post #230756 26th Apr 2013 4:27pm
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