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Member Since: 23 Jan 2012
Location: West London
Posts: 182

United Kingdom 2011 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Santorini Black
Lookers Park Royal
Are you sitting comfortably? The story shall begin.

About 6 weeks ago i took the car down for some warrenty work, moisture ingress in to the front spot lights and water leaking through both rear side windows. At the service desk met a young lady called Alison who was very helpful, booked the car in and left it with them for a couple of days. To my surprise on collection Alison had replaced the spot lights and stated that the car would have to go into the body shop to remove the rear windows and seal them. But there will be a couple of weeks delay to get it into the body shop, so admiring my new spotlights i drove my car home. Upon arriving home i decided to flash my lights and watch them reflect in my house as i drove up the driveway, to my amasement YES YOU CAN GUESS, they did not work, and having tried all combinations i thought i would ring Alison to let her know, she suggested that maybe a fuse had blown.

Two weeks further on and to save the need of a loan car, i drove the car to the body shop, which is in Ascot and left it with them. a couple of days later i decided to call into lookers to remind Alison that when the car comes back to fix the spotlights, whilst i was in there and coincidently my car was returning from the body shop on the back of a truck, Alison looked perplexed so she went to make enquiries why the car was back so soon, upon investigations the body shop said that the windows were not leaking,so they sent the car back! Alison arranged for more tests to be carried out the next day, the result being new side windows were required. By the time they were ordered and fitted, my car had had another weeks holiday in Lookers.

Eventually the windows were fitted, the spotlights re-wired, (and they forgot to tint the rear windows) but this was duly noted and sorted by Alison.

A couple of days later the car is now ready for collection. On Saturday morning i went to collect the car, Alison wasn't there,but i was given the keys,and out to the car i went with a big smile on my face ready to go, i noticed one of the spotlights was facing at a strange angle, upon closer investigation i straighented the light up and noticed the lens was in the light upside down. I then went to put my coat in the back of the car only to find dirt, debis, swarf from where the windows had been replaced. Banging Head

I made my feelings known to the guy on the service desk who came outside to look for himself, with a thousand apologies he offered to collect my car today and rectify the said problems.

16.15 today spotlights sorted, rear of the car has been hoovered, BUT the rear cargo mats had not been cleaned.

So overall a great effort by Alison for trying to resolve all my problems, well done.

Overall very satisfied with Lookers, but somethings could have been done differently!!! Thumbs Up . Steve
Post #151888 25th Jun 2012 6:48pm
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