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Member Since: 14 Dec 2008
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
Fault code logs and interpretation
Given that there are an increasing number of us with one diagnostic system or another (and this isn't the thread to compare which ones are better), I thought it would be a good idea to log what codes are getting reported and what they might mean.

I don't mean to try and match numbers to descriptions - there are some great resources out there already (check Dgargel's postings) but what we might interpret by the codes.

There are a few people who have significant experience with these engines and not all codes are to be worried about. We can compile a list of common codes, whether they are abnormal and what to do about them (including deleting them).

To start us off, here's my current crop of codes:

0404-73 EGR control circuit range/performance: actuator stuck closed
0100-29 mass or volume air flow A circuit: signal invalid
0299-00 turbocharger A under boost condition
1402-2F EGR control valve metering orifice restricted: signal erratic
0340-23 Camshaft position (CMP) sensor A circuit (bank 1 or single sensor): signal stuck low
1103-00 Mass air flow (MAF) sensor in range but higher than expected
0234-00 turbocharger A over boost condition

Some of them don't look like an issue to me.

I know that deleting the codes will mean that a dealer won't be able to see them but I'm out of warranty and I reason that if they are real and persistent, they'll return. Agree?

Please add your codes and comments below and maybe we can put together a "so what" guide for those who will be reading codes in the future.

Alan One that started out as a 2.4 TDCi 110 XS
+ New Defender 110 First Edition
Post #57426 7th Feb 2011 3:55pm
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Member Since: 14 Dec 2008
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
Glyn, Dgardel - I've taken the liberty of posting your codes and responses from an earlier thread.

P167B- Fuel Injector Learning Not Done you have done Q068 but dealer do not done injectors learning (same mounths ago LR system given errors on this procedure)
P0562- System Voltage Low battery related to the cold temp not a real problem
P068A- CM/PCM Power Relay De-Energized Performance - Too Early see previous point
P0234- Turbocharger/Supercharger "A" Overboost Condition normal on all Puma that I have seen
P1103- Mass Air Flow Sensor In Range But Higher Than Expected normal on all Puma that I have seen
P0100- Mass or Volume Air Flow "A" Circuit related to BAS remap but not really a problem new version are ok now, write to Pete
P0299- Turbocharger/Supercharger "A" Underboost Condition normal on all Puma that I have seen
U0001- High Speed CAN Communication Bus related to BAS remap but not really a problem new version are ok now, write to Pete
P1643- CAN link to ABS ECU.Implausible signal/condition
U0300- Internal Control Module Software Incompatibility related to BAS remap but not really a problem new version are ok now, write to Pete One that started out as a 2.4 TDCi 110 XS
+ New Defender 110 First Edition
Post #57430 7th Feb 2011 3:58pm
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Member Since: 01 Oct 2010
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With reference to fault codes:
P0404, P0100 and P0299 http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic5125.html
Post #57508 7th Feb 2011 7:34pm
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Member Since: 06 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Scotia Grey
Some of the MAF and EGR's are linked (you get one with the other) Mike
Post #57519 7th Feb 2011 7:59pm
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Member Since: 14 Dec 2008
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
Lorryman100 wrote:
With reference to fault codes:
P0404, P0100 and P0299 http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic5125.html

Gosh - that's a bit worrying. My local dealer hasn't really shown themselves to be too hot when it comes to "thinking outsid the box". Given that I'm not und warranty now, it could prove very expensive for them not to arrive at a conclusion.

Maybe I should clear the codes and see when there they reappear over the course of the week. Having said that, I don't suffer the same symptoms that you did. My fuel consumption is around 25 and always has been; I can get above 2600 in 6th (although I rarely try).

Worth monitoring, I guess. One that started out as a 2.4 TDCi 110 XS
+ New Defender 110 First Edition
Post #57607 8th Feb 2011 12:47am
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United Kingdom 2016 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 XS CSW Scotia Grey
alantd wrote:
Lorryman100 wrote:
With reference to fault codes:
P0404, P0100 and P0299 http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic5125.html

Gosh - that's a bit worrying. My local dealer hasn't really shown themselves to be too hot when it comes to "thinking outsid the box". Given that I'm not und warranty now, it could prove very expensive for them not to arrive at a conclusion.

Maybe I should clear the codes and see when there they reappear over the course of the week. Having said that, I don't suffer the same symptoms that you did. My fuel consumption is around 25 and always has been; I can get above 2600 in 6th (although I rarely try).

Worth monitoring, I guess.


You are probably in the same boat as me - clear the faults (you can save them in nanocom first which is what i would do) and then see what you get after a few drives.

Ive had EGR closed and open faults - mainly closed (which is good) but i find that the faults go hand in hand with other things like the MAF errors. But then all of that is only intermittent.

Looking at the loom (as i was on Sunday) i cant see that being at fault, it doesnt look stressed at all...i could believe there may be a MAF fault (i was told when i got the car their failures were common...and they had been on my wifes VW) - the EGR the faulting could be down to the MAF (or the otherway round).

Im replacing the MAF and if the fault persists then ill get the EGR blank patch from BAS probably save messing with replacing the EGR i dont want (but is definately working anyway) Mike
Post #57632 8th Feb 2011 8:30am
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alantd wrote:

Gosh - that's a bit worrying. My local dealer hasn't really shown themselves to be too hot when it comes to "thinking outsid the box". Given that I'm not und warranty now, it could prove very expensive for them not to arrive at a conclusion.

Alan, I registered with Topix and I am subscribed to Tech bulletins for my defender, that way I have a little heads up towards problems LR have identified with the pumas. Now the dealer I use, I cant really fault them except for their knowledge on Puma defenders as they don't sell that many. So when I see a problem like the Turbo under boost, EGR,MAF etc I went to the dealers and spoke with the workshop controller about these faults and asked if(Turbo under boost) it would be repaired under LTB00254/2010, and it was. If you give the dealers an area to aim for chances are they will get there without needing to think outside the box, especially if you know as much/more about it than the dealer Whistle
Also the nanocom throws up lots of codes for no apparent reason and they have disappeared the next time you check so don't take too much stock in all of the codes shown. Would not be surprised if the LR IDS sytem ignores faultcodes with an activation count of <3 and the nanocom shows them from 1 count. Just save the fault codes and then clear them from the ecu. Go for a drive then plug the unit back in and check to see what has re appeared, if any. Here are some examples of ghost codes which disappeared on their own:

nanocom wrote:


1935 - 14
Brake switch sensor signal

circuit short to ground or open
0299 - 00
Turbocharger A under boost condition

C001 - 88
High Speed CAN Communication Bus

1643 - 87
Controller area network (CAN) link engine
control module/transmission control
module circuit/network


nanocom wrote:


C100 - 87
Lost Communication With ECM

1602 - 31
C401 - 68
Invalid Data Received from ECM


And these fault codes persisted in showing up:
nanocom wrote:


0404 - 72
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) control circuit

actuator stuck open
0299 - 00
Turbocharger A under boost condition

0100 - 29
Mass or volume air flow A circuit

signal invalid

The first time you plug a diagnostic into your ECU and get as many faultcodes as you did is a bit daunting as all you will be thinking is what's wrong with it now. The reality is the more you use it the more you get to understand the way that this diagnostic tool works leading you to know when you have a problem.

HTH Brian.
Post #57663 8th Feb 2011 10:56am
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Member Since: 08 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 110 Puma 2.2 USW Orkney Grey
Ive not read all of the posts but id just like to say some codes shown on some tools and cars are non tested DTC's and are not a cause to worry. Its a pain in the arse that these are shown to be honest and does cause confusion sometimes.

Re finding out what a P code means, if you visit my web site www.bellautoservices.co.uk and use the search button top left , enter your code and it will show you the meaning.

Post #57814 8th Feb 2011 9:01pm
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Member Since: 14 Dec 2008
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS CSW Tonga Green
Good call everyone. This is why I thought a thread would make sense. Aa more and more folks enter the world of self-diagnosis, we should pool experiences and draw on the feepw amongst us who really know about these things Bow down

As I spot more info I'll try and collate it here.
Thumbs Up One that started out as a 2.4 TDCi 110 XS
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Post #57892 9th Feb 2011 1:11am
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
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Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Chawton White
injection codes
I have seen the following codes before. WTH do they mean?

02A0 - 00
Cylinder 2 balance - (injector 4) restricted

02A8 - 00
Cylinder 4 balance - (injector 3) restricted

02A4 - 00
Cylinder 3 balance - (injector 2) restricted

029C - 00
Cylinder 1 balance - (injector 1) restricted Puma 110" SW

Earth first. Other planets later
Post #58272 10th Feb 2011 1:51pm
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France 2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 CSW Alpine White
codes for numptys
Could the technically marvelous amongst the forum group the more common codes into groups for the less able umongst us?


5) Censored - SELL IT QUICK!

Thumbs Up
Post #58351 10th Feb 2011 7:43pm
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
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Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Chawton White
Re: injection codes
MK wrote:
I have seen the following codes before. WTH do they mean?

02A0 - 00
Cylinder 2 balance - (injector 4) restricted

02A8 - 00
Cylinder 4 balance - (injector 3) restricted

02A4 - 00
Cylinder 3 balance - (injector 2) restricted

029C - 00
Cylinder 1 balance - (injector 1) restricted

ANYBODY? Rolling Eyes Puma 110" SW

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Post #58610 12th Feb 2011 11:00am
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Wales 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 XS DCPU Tonga Green
Re: injection codes
MK wrote:
MK wrote:
I have seen the following codes before. WTH do they mean?

02A0 - 00
Cylinder 2 balance - (injector 4) restricted

ANYBODY? Rolling Eyes

P02A000 Cylinder 2 balance - (injector 4) restricted

Possible Cause
* Injector leak
* Cylinder compression low
- Blow-by past the injector
- Blow-by past the glow plug
- Mechanical fault, valve, piston/ring, etc.
* Injector fault

Check the injector and surrounding area for evidence of fuel leakage. Disconnect the injector and check for evidence of fuel leakage in the connector. Rectify as necessary. Clear the DTCs. Reconnect the injector and start the engine. Allow to warm up and allow to idle (cylinder balance diagnosis is now active). If the DTC resets, check for blow-by etc. and rectify as necessary. Clear the DTCs and recheck. Carry out a compression test only if the DTC resets. If the above tests are all within range, install a new injector.
For additional information, refer to: Fuel Injector (303-04A Fuel Charging and Controls - 2.4L Duratorq-TDCi HPCR (103kW/140PS) - Puma, Removal and Installation).
Clear the DTCs and test for normal operation.

I had this same code... checked all the injectors... no problems so deleted them and no problems since Thumbs Up

Glyn Dog Sheep
Post #58811 13th Feb 2011 2:55pm
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
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Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Chawton White
[quote="alantd"]Glyn, Dgardel - I've taken the liberty of posting your codes and responses from an earlier thread.

P167B- Fuel Injector Learning Not Done you have done Q068 but dealer do not done injectors learning (same mounths ago LR system given errors on this procedure)

WHAT DOES IT MEAN injectors learning  Puma 110" SW

Earth first. Other planets later
Post #59237 15th Feb 2011 4:49pm
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Thought I would try and explain the differences in DTC codes. So here goes:

There are basically two types of DTC codes for OBDII Diagnostics:

Emissions related DTC's Tested DTC's
Type A

1. Emissions related.
2. The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) will be illuminated as soon as the error occurs.
3. Stores a freeze frame DTC after one failed driving cycle.( history DTC is stored )

Type B

1. Emissions related.
2. Sets a Pending Trouble Code after one failed driving cycle.
3. Clears a Pending Trouble Code after one successful driving cycle.
4. Turns on the MIL after two/three consecutive failed driving cycles.
5. Stores a Pending Trouble Code as a DTC after two consecutive failed driving cycles.

Conditions for Clearing the MIL/DTC – Type A or Type B

The MIL will turn off after four consecutive driving cycles in which the diagnostic runs without a fault.
A history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm up cycles without a fault.
DTC(s) can be cleared by using a scan/diagnostic tool.

Non–Emissions Related DTCs Un Tested DTC's

Action Taken When the DTC Sets

1. The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) will not illuminate.
2. The ECM will record a DTC at the time the diagnostic fails.

Conditions for Clearing the DTC

A history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive warm up cycles without a fault.
DTC(s) can be cleared by using a scan/diagnostic tool.

How to read a DTC Code

The DTC value will help you narrow down the specific component or module in question. A DTC has a standardized format that can be interpreted as follows:
The first part of the DTC is the Alpha Designator. The alpha designator will be:

B - Body electronics (i.e., door and hood latches)
C - Chassis (i.e., traction control or ABS)
P - Powertrain (i.e., engine, transmission)
U - Network communications for the different control modules

Second Digit - Code Type
The second digit identifies whether the code is a generic code (same on all OBD-II equpped vehicles), or a manufacturer specific code.

0 = Generic (The diagnostic codes that are required by law on all OBD II systems are "generic" in the sense that all vehicle manufacturers use the same common code list and the same 16-pin diagnostic connector. Thus, a P0301 misfire code on a Ford means the same thing on a Vauxhall, Citroen, Toyota or Mercedes.)

1 = Enhanced ( Each vehicle manufacturers also have the freedom to add their own "enhanced" codes to provide even more detailed information about various faults. Enhanced codes also cover non-emission related failures that occur outside the engine control system. These include ABS codes, HVAC codes, airbag codes and other body and electrical codes.)

Third Digit - Sub-System

The third digit denotes the type of sub-system that pertains to the code

1 = Emission Management (Fuel or Air)
2 = Injector Circuit (Fuel or Air)
3 = Ignition or Misfire
4 = Emission Control
5 = Vehicle Speed & Idle Control
6 = Computer & Output Circuit
7 = Transmission
8 = Transmission
9 = SAE Reserved
0 = SAE Reserved

Fourth and Fifth Digits
These digits, along with the others, are variable, and relate to a particular problem code error number

So let's diagnose a DTC, I've picked P0404-73 EGR control circuit range/performance: actuator stuck closed

so we have:
P = Powertrain (engine, transmission)
0 = Generic
4 = Emissions control
0 4 =This is the specific error code within Emission control. In this case the EGR control circuit range/performance
-73= This is a specific problem, in this case the actuator is stuck closed. 72 means its stuck open.

Hope this helps somebody, somewhere Whistle And please highlight any errors, mistakes as I am still learning about diagnostics and any help would be appreciated Thumbs Up

Last edited by Lorryman100 on 13th Jan 2012 12:11am. Edited 1 time in total
Post #59278 15th Feb 2011 8:27pm
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