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Member Since: 21 May 2008
Location: Oslo
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2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
ericvv wrote:
bpman wrote:
there is a feature of LHD models, whereby the driver vent blows hotter than the passengers side, the fix is to remove the dash, make a change to the heater radiator and replace the dash, I've not bothered to have this done so far. interesting thread..

Hi BPMan, that is exactly an issue I have with my LHD 2008 SVX. Heater blowing hotter driver side than passenger side, which results in frequent arguments with my "government".... During the first winter I mentioned this several times to Autobritt here in GVA, but they pretended nothing could be done....
Can you send me the link to that feature you mention? Would be interesting to see, and bring up with Autobritt, eventually with LR Switzerland customer service...
Would love to get this resolved, as in the first place I like it cooler in the car than the passengers, and right now it is just the other way around. I believe that most other Pumas have exactly the same problem.
Rgds, Eric

Hi Ericvv, there is a recall/fix for this... I'm tied up at the moment, have a search on the forum for it, otherwise I'll have a look in a while

Post #111559 2nd Jan 2012 7:00pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
Location: Near the Jet d'Eau
Posts: 5816

Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
Hi Ericvv, there is a recall/fix for this... I'm tied up at the moment, have a search on the forum for it, otherwise I'll have a look in a while


OK, will try to look first. Interesting that there would be a recall for it, never heard that. I looked at Topix with my VIN for any outstanding recalls, and there was nothing. You have more details about that? Presume your ICE must have the same recall then? When you have time would like to hear more details.

Tks, Eric You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation.
Post #111568 2nd Jan 2012 7:34pm
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Member Since: 21 May 2008
Location: Oslo
Posts: 8069

2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
found it ... technical service bulletin:

SSM39653 - Defender 07MY onwards Heater Temperature Imbalance (LHD only)

Dgardel highlighted the issue .. 2-3 pages down here

... http://www.defender2.net/forum/topic4865.h...lhd+heater

(sorry - Off Topic )


Last edited by bpman on 2nd Jan 2012 7:51pm. Edited 1 time in total
Post #111573 2nd Jan 2012 7:49pm
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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
Location: Near the Jet d'Eau
Posts: 5816

Switzerland 2009 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
Hi Ericvv, there is a recall/fix for this... I'm tied up at the moment, have a search on the forum for it, otherwise I'll have a look in a while


Went on Topix, and there is not any recall outstanding for my car.... So if you have more details abt above.... ??? You never actually own a Defender. You merely look after it for the next generation.
Post #111574 2nd Jan 2012 7:51pm
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Member Since: 09 Dec 2011
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Isn't it the norm to expect all defenders leak?
Post #111639 2nd Jan 2012 10:35pm
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Member Since: 10 Apr 2007
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United Kingdom 2013 Defender 130 Puma 2.2 SW Rimini Red
Dash out is easy

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Took mine out to fit puter screen

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 130's have feeling's as well you know Smile
Post #111656 3rd Jan 2012 3:21am
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Member Since: 28 Aug 2008
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Chile 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SW Stornoway Grey
AndrewS wrote:
Dash out is easy

Click image to enlarge

Looks simple to take out but Im not sure if put it again are so easy

As Murphy said: "dismantle several times something and put again together and, at the end, you will have two of them" Eduardo

MY 2007 110 SW PUMA 2.4: Big Fog of 64'
MY 1994 Jayco 1207 Folding camper: "El Tremendo"

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Post #111657 3rd Jan 2012 3:37am
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Member Since: 03 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom 2007 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 DCPU Stornoway Grey
bpman wrote:
there is a feature of LHD models, whereby the driver vent blows hotter than the passengers side, the fix is to remove the dash, make a change to the heater radiator and replace the dash, I've not bothered to have this done so far. interesting thread..

I have never understood why LR reckons that this is a feature of LHD models only, since AFAIK the heater is EXACTLY the same whether it's LHD or RHD. My '07 Puma (which is RHD) certainly has the same 'feature' - the left side blows much hotter than the right. This is of course in addition to the other Puma heater features, like the huge fluctuations in temperature.

The basic cause as far as I can determine is that the water inlet and outlet on the heater matrix are both on the left of the car, with the result that the left side of the heater matrix actually gets far hotter than the right. The layout of the air outlets is such that air from the left outlet has passed through the left (hot) side of the heater, and that from the right outlet passes through the right (cold) side. It seems to me that there are two proper solutions to this problem: 1) modify the heater matrix so that the hot water flow causes a more uniform level of heat (this may be difficult given the fluctuations in engine coolant temperature on the TDCi motor), or 2) fix some kind of device that causes significant turbulance on the airflow on the outlet side so that the air is mixed and the temperature is uniform prior to emission (this may be possible depending on how much space there is within the heater box - and I haven't actually looked). The Landrover "solution" to the problem, as detailed in the TSB for the LHD vehicles, is simply to block off the heater matrix at the LH end where it is hottest so that no air flows through the hottest area; not really a solution at all, more a cop-out.

I did ask on a different thread whether the heater on the 2012 MY Defender has sorted the problem out properly, but apparently it hasn't!

As far as the original question is concerned, removing the whole dash from the Puma is actually far, far easier on the Puma than almost anyother Landrover ever, since most of it is a single piece moulding. It is time consuming however, and it is not something I would really want a dealer to do (I would much rather do it myself) since the end result rather depends on how much attention to detail is paid when putting it back in. It requires the steering wheel, steering column shroud and switches, instrument cluster, centre dash panel, and passenger grab handle to be removed, then basically unscrews and comes out as one rather large item. Quite some while ago, someone (I think AndrewS) posted photos of his Defender with the dash removed, which gives a good idea of what is involved.
Post #111674 3rd Jan 2012 10:30am
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Member Since: 30 Oct 2010
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United Kingdom 
The reason I ask, is that I need to replace the Lucus AS10 alarm unit. This is fixed to the bulkhead behind the steering wheel. I can only see one screw when I take off the speaker, and I'm assuming there are two. It seems a bit of work just to get at one screw. Perhaps there is an easyier way? Would a stealership actually take off the old one?

Any thoughts?

Merlin Crying or Very sad
Post #111709 3rd Jan 2012 12:34pm
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Member Since: 21 May 2008
Location: Oslo
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2008 Defender 110 Puma 2.4 SVX Station Wagon Santorini Black
blackwolf wrote:
bpman wrote:
there is a feature of LHD models, whereby the driver vent blows hotter than the passengers side, the fix is to remove the dash, make a change to the heater radiator and replace the dash, I've not bothered to have this done so far. interesting thread..

I have never understood why LR reckons that this is a feature of LHD models only, since AFAIK the heater is EXACTLY the same whether it's LHD or RHD. My '07 Puma (which is RHD) certainly has the same 'feature' - the left side blows much hotter than the right. This is of course in addition to the other Puma heater features, like the huge fluctuations in temperature.........

PM me your email address and I can send you a PDF with the fix - but like you say it involves blocking off part of the matrix
Post #111712 3rd Jan 2012 12:52pm
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